
What does this text in Italian mean? Anyone who speaks Italian please help?

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Ultimo avviso, non è gradita la sua corrispondenza, con Andrea . non è suo contatto, non è sua fan, è pregata di non insistere in tale gioco, la prossima mail che lei invierà, a Andrea , essendo non gradita , nel rispetto della privacy . il suo indirizzo IP sarà consegnato alla policy che si interesserà di capire cosa vuole e chi è dietro la sua figura , potrebbe esserci un uomo semplice no? certo che mi capirà prenda un'altra strada è meglio per lei , grazie saluti

Can you please translate this to English and please do not use translation online because I have tried it and it doesn't work. Thank you




  1. I can't give you a work for word translation because I am not that advanced but it sounds to me that you need to leave Andrea alone.  Your correspondence with him is unwelcome and unappreciated.  Sorry!

  2. Do you really want the translation over the net????  Jessica I don't know what your relationship with Andrea is but.......its about to end real quick.  What they are saying is its over......and the next time your write your ip address will be given to the what use who knows, but   really what ever you have with Andrea, let it go

  3. Last Warning, is not welcome your correspondence with Andrea. you're not his contact, not his fan, please do not insist in this game, the next mail that you'll send to Andrea, not being appreciated, while respecting privacy. your IP address will be delivered to policy that will affect understand what you wants and who is behind the figure, could be a simple man? I certainly think you'll understand, take another way,it is best for you, thanks greetings

  4. Sounds like a threat; shortly it says that you are requested to leave Andrea in peace, otherwise the writer reserves the right to inform the local authorities about your "stalking" to Andrea.

  5. le hai sfracellate a qualcuno evidentemente...

  6. Last warning, your correspondence with Andrea is not welcome. He's not a contact of yours and you're not a fan of his, please do not insist on this game. The next time you'll email Andrea, not being welcome, in respect of privacy, your IP address will be given to the authorities who will try to understand what you want and who's behind you, there could be a man, easy, isnt'it? (or "there could be a simple man no?"). I'm sure you will understand me, take another road, it's better for you, thank you and goodbye.

  7. Last warning, your correspondence with Andrea is not appreciated. You are not a contact neither a fun. Please do not keep on this game. If you are going to send other mails to Andrea, your IP address will be sent to the "policy" who will find out who is behind this address. It is a man, right? So I am sure you understand me and I tell you to keep away, thanks.

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