
What does this vampire dream mean?

by  |  earlier

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In my dream it felt like a whole lot of people were walking fast and sum were running expect that I was standing competley still and i was backwards were the people were heading and i was looking at this guy who i knew (not in real life) he was also standing still but farther away than i was and he was standing forward so he was facing me..... and i felt confort and assuring from him he was also a vampire.... he had pale skin and his hair color looked like this

and his face features were perfect i cant think what color his eyes were i think dark but not sure..... so my question is what does this dream mean and was a true vampire in it?




  1. You may think that this is rather a strange interpretation, but your dream indicates something sexual (symbolized by the vampire) and the fact that only you and he standing still, facing each other suggests that someone is trying to get you to do something that your not sure of. The comfort you feel with him is that you are believing what he is telling you, but his hair covering his eyes somewhat says that he is telling you what you want to hear, not necessarily what he feels.

    The dream is simply saying that someone whom you see as your dream boyfriend is trying to get you to have a physical relationship with him. You may be a virgin or this just may be a new relationship. You have evidently said no so far because standing when everyone else is going the opposite way is symbolic of you being proud of yourself.

  2. -Deep inside your subconscious mind fantasy wants to live forever be desired by Dracula.Strolls through the park moon lite glazing down.Instead of holding hands you hold each others bat wings ha-ha Bite each other on the neck.

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