
What does this verse mean? - Pr 18:1?

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Proverbs 18:1:

"A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgment." (NKJ)

The Living Bible says: "The selfish man quarrels against every sound principle of conduct by demanding his own way."

The original Hebrew verse contains only 6 words:







These words don't make sense to me. And this whole verse makes no sense to me. It doesn't matter which translation I am reading. It makes no sense.




  1. It basically means that a man/woman who is a recluse will not gain anything except his/her own selfishness by only being there for themselves instead of others being there for them.

  2. All religious nonsense.

  3. I think it means that a person who isolates himself from counsel, is just doing what is pleasing to himself. It is wise to ask for counsel.  

  4. Here's the New World Translation version of this scripture:

    (Proverbs 18:1) One isolating himself will seek [his own] selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth.

    The person who isolates himself, pursuing his own narrow, restricted view of life and his own selfish desires, eventually goes off on a tangent contrary to all practical wisdom.

  5. desire;longing.>separatedd.;divide> seek;search out.> meddle;to be stubbern>wisdem;ability ,direct help working.I think the message here is,dont be stupid and look for council in a given situation.dont be stubbern ,dont be led by your own desire or lusts but find council ,look to wisdom. dont isolate yourself and do what YOU want to do but to seek wisdom,good council. help yourself to go down the right path. the path of productive good.

  6. 18:1

    Matthew Henry says:

    The original here is difficult, and differently understood. 1. Some take it as a rebuke to an affected singularity. When men take a pride in separating themselves from the sentiments and society of others, in contradicting all that has been said before them and advancing new notions of their own, which, though ever so absurd, they are wedded to, it is to gratify a desire or lust of vain-glory, and they are seekers and meddlers with that which does not belong to them. He seeks according to his desire, and intermeddles with every business, pretends to pass a judgment upon every man’s matter. He is morose and supercilious. Those generally are so that are opinionative and conceited, and they thus make themselves ridiculous, and are vexatious to others. 2. Our translation seems to take it as an excitement to diligence in the pursuit of wisdom. If we would get knowledge or grace, we must desire it, as that which we need and which will be of great advantage to us, 1 Co. 12:31. We must separate ourselves from all those things which would divert us from or r****d us in the pursuit, retire out of the noise of this world’s vanities, and then seek and intermeddle with all the means and instructions of wisdom, be willing to take pains and try all the methods of improving ourselves, be acquainted with a variety of opinions, that we may prove all things and hold fast that which is good.

  7. The man who isolates himself is selfish he cares not what others think and he will fight anyone else's opinion. It is his way or the highway.

  8. It means just because the group is doing something you dont like doesnt mean you should go off on your own, you should stay with the group and stop worrying about what you want....

    or it could just be another verse intended on keeping the masses on track and thinking the same way...

  9. Wisdom literature is FUN!

    Consider this understanding.  A person who had an earnest desire for self-improvement will keep himself separated from worldly entanglements and focus on the pursuit of wisdom.  Then verse 2 contrasts saying, "the fool does not delight in understanding.

    . . . or . . . (vs 1) When someone keeps to himself and is not open to learning from others, (vs 2) he is a fool who does not delight in wisdom.

    Both can and do make sense.  Keep having fun!

  10. You don't seem to have discovered what s*x is all about!

  11. The first response is as good as any.  There is much in the bible which isn't sensible, and much that is simply wrong.

  12. Pay attention to the Liberals...this makes sense to me when I compare it to them

  13. ive got no footnotes for this verse but imo its alot more selfish living alone....but in the end it doesnt pay off...we get old and its best to share life with someone who cares..

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