
What does this verse mean to you?

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I wish you all good tidings!




  1. It means he forgot the crumpets / muffins / toast.

  2. ? what is the verses chapter, and what all does it say? The Bible speaks of honey a few times, Because the Jews, shine a light on , if you could taste how sweet God is like, it would be like honey. Here is some facts of the times Honey is mentioned in the Bible.


    occurs 56 times in 56 verses in the KJV

      (Gen 43:11 - 1Sa 14:25)  

  3. Laila Majnu

  4. It's a prophecy about Jesus so mocking Jesus would be a gross sin.  Why are you continuing to persecute Jesus.  He is Lord of lords and King of kings.  This will get you into more trouble than you will ever believe until it's too late.

  5. KJV Isaiah 7:15   "Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."

       The physical thought here is all we need to do is to eat butter and honey to know the difference between good and evil.  Is this possible?  This is the easiest way to determine if a verse has a spiritual meaning that needs to be interpreted.  If the statement made in the verse does not make sense or is physically impossible the verse must be spiritual.  To find the spiritual meaning we need to first identify the key words.  In this verse the key words appear to be butter and honey.  An experienced student of the Bible will also recognize the word eat as a spiritual word that needs to be interpreted.  Eating physical butter and honey will not help us tell the difference between good and evil.  So this text must be referring to a spiritual butter and a spiritual honey we are to eat spiritually.  The meaning I get from that verse is this:  " Butter":  Studying the Bible by comparing spiritual things with spiritual things to reveal the hidden treasures within the word of God.

       " Honey":  he word of God and His law.  "Eat":  Taking in the word of God, study.

        A diet of only butter and honey would not be good for us physically.  But butter and honey do make bread taste better.  Bread is the word of God.  We must not only eat the bread of life but study to show ourselves approved of God.

  6. It means nothing to me...oh Vienna !

  7. really butchered that one.

    Here's the full quote:

    "Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.  Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.  For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings."  (Isaiah 7:14-16, KJV)

    Obviously this is a messianic prophecy.  Basically it's saying that both kingdoms (Israel and Judah) will be overthrown (as they were by the Romans) before the Messiah will be born.

  8. Pretty sure this is about childhood. Butter and honey: sweet and easy food you give to kids that are too young to understand the difference between good and evil. Also symbolic for the happy days of childhood.

  9. You mean before turning to those nasty but healthy dark green vegetables?

    Butter and honey on fresh-baked bread... Yummm.

    Whoever said "I just fancy a broccoli sandwich"?

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