
What does this weird dream mean??

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I just remebered that when I was about 7 years old I had a dream that my family was in the living room and my mom told me to get her a glass of water so I went to the kitchen,and an angel appeard to me,so I ran back to were my mom was. Then I went to open the closet door and he was there again.After that i went to the backyard were my dad was ,I thought that way he wasn't gonna apear and he did.He looked evil, what could this mean?




  1. weird probly is just reflecting how you prefer your mother over your father, is that about right?

  2. dreams can be perceived differently by everyone so everyone will tell you something different about your dream try to figure the meaning out for yourself for my meaning would be totally different then what it should mean to you.

  3. it means that you are weird and crazy!!! :)

    go to a psychologist!

  4. It's just a dream

  5. maybe that angel is trying to protect you and it apeard as evil when he was next to your dad because maybe your dad is going to do sumthing bad but dont worry ITS JUST A DREAM!

  6. Wow.  That is weird.

    Maybe your mom is leading to you your dad's bad side?  I'm kind of unsure.  For all I know, that dream could mean nothing.

  7. your dad is evil and plans on world domination after he poisons your mother's drinking water. =[

  8. That's a little spooky! This is what i found:

    Dreaming that something evil, such as the devil, is trying to harm you or is coming after you can mean:


    You have experienced "ill will" in real life recently (a mean or violent person, stories on the news, a scary movie, etc.), or something has triggered memories or imaginings of these negative things


    Someone you knew (or wish you'd known) in real life who is now dead

    Something that has changed or doesn't exist any longer, such as a former relationship or former job

    A scary ghost can represent a fear or concern about something in your life, or it can be an indication that your having a Toxic Dream.

  9. it could mean you are afraid of people and eating soup.

  10. I really think that this dream was caused by something you had experienced during the day. Probably you had seen an angel (I mean, on tv or something like that) somewhere, or thought about it during the day. Maybe someone died and you were told about angels..  I don't know since I wasn't there. And quite possibly you had had a quarrel with your dad, so, he looked angry.. Or maybe you had just seen him angry. You just needed to work it trough, so you dreamt it. A glass of water is just, I don't know, timefilling stuff.. or something... And, again, I wasn't there so I don't know of your experiences during the day...

    I don't quite believe in premonitions, but, then again, never say never..

    Don't get paranoid about this:)

  11. it doesnt mean anything considering it was a long time a go and nothing happened right?

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