
What does this weird island dream mean?

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...I'm on vacation with my boyfriend... we fly (by plane) to a tropical paradise-- somewhere near Thailand, Vietnam, or maybe the Seychelles-- to an island, with a name that begins with the letter 'P'... we arrive at the place we'll be staying, suitcases in hand-- it's not a hotel, but a beautiful dream home, that we've managed to purchase somehow-- I'm overjoyed-- we'll be living there, from now on-- in a series of charmingly rustic wooden cabins-- the cabins are on stilts-- each cabin contains a single room (most of the rooms are square, or rectangular in shape) & they stretch from the white sand beach, out into the turquoise water, connected to each other by suspension bridges made of rope & wooden slats. We enter the first cabin, and begin to explore our new home-- each cabin leading to the next, on and on... cabin, suspension bridge, cabin, suspension bridge... the turquoise water is breathtakingly beautiful, & calm... there are no glass panes in the cabin windows-- the windows are square, open to the air; they frame the sea & sky, so that it looks like a painting, and balmy, sea breezes pour in... the cabins are spare-- most contain no furniture at all, or else they are simply decorated-- one room contains a single woven hammock-- another has a white canopy bed, and a marble & oak washstand-- another contains a few clay vases, a few seashells, and a Japanese pottery incense burner, w/ incense burning in it... most of the rooms are empty, though-- I don't mind... I'm just so happy, to be in my dream home... the last cabin door lets out onto the steps of an enormous ziggurat (sp?), made of white sand, rising up from the ocean, and almost reaching the sun-- I begin to climb its steps, and I wake up-- trying to remember the name of the island, whose name begins with the letter 'P,' and maybe has an 'S' in it-- (something like pagos, or maybe pesache*???)

*sounds like pesach, or Passover, but am not Jewish in real life, tho' I grew up in NYC.




  1. There may be some desire deep down in your subconsciously about things you want to do, or get away from.

    The island you describe basically symbolizes some desire you have in life.  As  you have said, it is a dream home, the name may bother you very much.  However this implies some conflict you are having.

    In other words, deep down, you have some desire in life and somehow you know you may not be able to achieve it.  That is why you projected the unclear name of the island to interrupt the thought.  Sometimes, the name may not be important, but to your subconscious mind, that may seem like significant thing because you wanted to know if there is such place.  In translation, there is obstacle and conflict in you.

    Just imagine those things are not important, and you are feeling into the dream house or island and enjoy it you probably feel free in the dream. But this dream bothers you (in a way) about the name may just reflect some obstacle or conflict in your desire.

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