
What does this word mean!

by Guest32041  |  earlier

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what is "peon"?!?!




  1. it means im gonna pee on you lol jk heres the definintion. it is spanish for labourors who have little controll over their jobs.

  2. Haha, I don't know, but that's a really funny word! Go to and look it up! lol...:)

  3. peon - A laborer who is obliged to do menial work

  4. –noun

    1. (in Spanish America) a farm worker or unskilled laborer; day laborer.

    2. (formerly, esp. in Mexico) a person held in servitude to work off debts or other obligations.

    3. any person of low social status, esp. one who does work regarded as menial or unskilled; drudge.  

  5. a spanish-american day laborer or unskilled work farmer

    someone of low rank/ foot soldier  

  6. a person who means nothing to you. belittling someone

  7. A peon is a person who is unskilled here and don't have so much education skills and mental skills!


  9. It has a range of meanings but its primary usuage is to describe laborers with little control over their employment conditions.

  10. An extremely low ranking and unimportant person.

  11. low ranking, unimportant.

  12. that your small. the king is big , a peon aint shhit

  13. A "pee-on" is the low man on the totem pole.  The worker bee, the one that doesn't really matter.

  14. It is commonly used to refer to low-ranking members of some group.  

  15. It means someone who is small in stature

  16. the first one that got it right was shannon w..anyone w/the same basic answer is correct.  

  17. 1. (in Spanish America) a farm worker or unskilled laborer; day laborer.

    2. (formerly, esp. in Mexico) a person held in servitude to work off debts or other obligations.

    3. any person of low social status, esp. one who does work regarded as menial or unskilled; drudge.  


  19. construction worker?

  20. It's a bad name for a Spanish person

  21. it mean ppl pe on u if ur called a peon

  22. Its means your low man on the totem pole.  

  23. If it is what I think you are talking about it means being unimportant. A lower level person. Like in a office you have corporate people and the peons that do the work.

  24. To urinate on

  25. a little thing, something unimportant, usually used in a sentence talking about how you are a nobody!  Hopefully noone called you this!

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