
What does tna need to compete with wwe?

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what does tna actually need to compete with wwe and will it be possible for them to do this?




  1. TNA's product is as good as the WWE's product.  They don't need to change anything.  Most "wrestling fans" these days only watch the WWE.  If they can be enticed to watch other wrestling companies (a big "if"), they want those companies to be like the WWE.  TNA and SpikeTV know this, and thus, they try to give "WWE fans" a similar experience with TNA, while retaining some of their own uniqueness.  Some of it works, some of it doesn't (just like the WWE).

    What TNA needs to survive, is the support of the fans.  Instead of millions of hostile "WWE fans" wanting them to fail (and that makes no sense at all), those millions of "WWE fans" should be open-minded WRESTLING fans willing to give TNA a chance.

    It just boggles my mind that there are so many so-called "wrestling fans" who are openly hostile to anything NOT the WWE (especially TNA).  This makes about as much sense as liking Quarter-Pounders from McDonalds and wanting every other fast-food chain put out of business because they are not McDonalds.  You may like eating at McDonalds, but you don't care that across the street is a Carls Jr.  And you sure don't stand on the street corner screaming "Carls Jr. is g*y!" to whoever walks by.  Why should wrestling companies be any different?

  2. Are you kiddin me thier sorry azzes can't compete with the WWE at this moment, and plus whoever is the owner of that company don't have the balls to go head to head with Vince. Lol to people that think that TNA will bury the WWE when it can't beat ECW in ratings which is the least watched brand of WWE sad but true.

  3. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels. TNA will never get them therefore the WWE blows TNA out of the water competiton wise

  4. well tna is far better at keeping attention their not as predictable, and can put on a better match and use right talent, but the wwe does have alot of legends

    to the legend of the guerreros F(_)CK OFF you know absolutely nothing, if the number one show on wwe is drawing 2.5's and 3's and tna is drawing 2.2's and 2.5's and rapidly increasing look in about 5 years where wwe will be and where tna will be, in 5 years y2j taker hhh hbk jbl kane batista cena will be gone GONE who will they have, and the wwe is horrid at building new superstars, and look what tna is doing they put someone who no one knows and put them on the map and now is a star, petey williams? jay lethal? o wait you probably dont know those names because you dont watch tna you just want to defend wwe.

  5. TNA has the talent to compete with WWE, but their creative team sucks

  6. No in my oppinion TNA shouldnt be trying to compete with WWE they need to worry about making there product the best it can be and to make it unique

  7. never the WWE has like the most famous most well known superstars











    Stone cold



    for some i said famous and well known not the best wrestler. For some wrestlers only on the list

    They have like good storyline,matches,and great acting. I m talking about before

  8. I like how they don't like eachother, I like competitions like this, it is pretty fun watching wrestlers going from one place then to another lol.

  9. They will have to overhaul their entire program..

    They have a different type thing than WWE and not everyone likes it.

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