
What does to mean to be an air sign?

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What does to mean to be an air sign?




  1. Well it means that you behave like the AIR........unstable, you must be one of the signs GEMINI,LIBRA or AQUARIUS...all are great thinkers and well balanced in everything....often restless and curious...

  2. Air signs are independant, dreamy, aloof and airy. They have lots of freinds and are really sociable. Air signs include energetic Gemini, elegant Libra and opinionated Aquarius. Air signs are flighty and they like space. Air is also an element in the zodiac. There are four elements in total and three signs in each element.

    Air-(as listed above already)

    Fire-Leo, Sagittarius, Aries

    Earth-Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus

    Water-Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer

    Air and Fire element signs have opposite signs while Earth and Water have theirs.

    The opposite signs-







    Listed a little too much info but o well :D

    Good Luck


  3. It means that you'll be ruled by intellect rather than emotions, meaning that you'll analyze your feelings first before deciding whether or not it makes sense to express them. Most that are air signs are smart, creative, fast thinkers, and have their heads up in the clouds :) That can be a good or bad thing depending on how you see it. Air signs are also humanitarians and are very social. On the flip side, some can become bored very quickly if they're not mentally stimulated and it's easy to become distracted.

    The air signs of course are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra.

  4. I'm a Libra and I'm indecisive and lazy.  But, the air signs are intellectual, unstable, and always wanting space.

  5. Air Signs are about communication. They are intelligent, communicative, sociable, versatile and unpredictable. Air Signs are all about the movement and communication of ideas.

    Air Signs are usually unable to discuss their emotions and need support when encountering deep feelings and past memories. These people are associated with thought, perspective and communication, and the intellectual or mental side of life. People with an abundance of astrological Air Signs in their Natal Chart are usually talkers and thinkers. Air Signs are objective, sociable, independent and mentally active. They are full of fresh ideas and are almost always planning and thinking big. While they may not be the best life partners, Air Signs are fun and lively companions whose unique charm may sweep you off your feet. These individuals can also be detached, and inventive while being free-flowing, humanitarian, and social.

    Air Signs are skilled at thinking, developing ideas, communicating, social relationships, given to abstract thoughts, plans, and ideas. Fire Signs are compatible with Air Signs. Fire and Air Signs are positive or self-expressive. Air Signs are the thinkers, slightly colder than the other signs and they live a great deal in their heads. Air Signs are compatible with other Air Signs and also complement Fire Signs. Ruled by knowledge and communication, Air Signs are quick-witted and analytical.

    Libra is the most compatible with the other Air Signs, Gemini and Aquarius. One of the most common methods of chart comparison is to see if people are of compatible signs, by Element. In general, Fire Signs are compatible with other Fire Signs and complement Air Signs. If their moon or rising signs are compatible, their union is rock-solid. The Element Air is compatible with Fire, and it refers to the mind.

  6. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, traditionally associated with the air element .

    Some of the qualities associated with the sign

    Knowledge  priests,   Self Apraisal


    Intellect Mind

    Justice etc,

    The Air signs possess the virtue of knowledge. This does not mean they are more intelligent than anyone else but are generally well rounded and informed. They are good communicators. Most have a good grasp of the language and generally know a little something about everything. They have good personalities and are easy to get to know.

    The Air signs are what the philosophers called seers or priests. These are mentally inclined people. They actively acquire knowledge through experience, education and association. In ancient times, the only educated people were either priests, royalty or those who took it upon themselves to acquire knowledge (seers). The Air signs are curious, have initiative, are original, generally are well-disciplined and are quick thinkers.

    The Air signs have a mental nature and are keen witted. They rationalize by thinking things out rather than being influenced by emotional or physical factors. They enjoy any type of entertainment where they can use their intellectual capacity and their ability to think quickly and accurately often gives them the upper hand.

    The emotional nature of the Air signs is directed toward self appraisal. These people have a tendency to judge themselves very harshly. They have certain standards they set for themselves such as hygiene, the way they dress, education, job performance and family. The Air signs are almost as ego-oriented as the Fire signs.

    Air signs resort to trickery. These people are crafty, under handed and ingenious when it comes to evil. They are also prone to physical violence. Whereas the Fire signs' anger is generally of the moment and soon after forgotten, the Air signs at their worst are mean. They carry a grudge, and like Fire signs, they are quick to express their opinion and are very opinionated. Aquarius and Libra are not as violent as Gemini. Gemini and mind altering drugs such as alcohol just do not mix. The Air signs will not hesitate one moment to express their anger verbally, but physical violence is not a first choice during that anger (the exception being Gemini who will act in an instant).

    the nut shell given is only a general one .

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