
What does todays youth aim for?

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What does todays youth aim for?




  1. The previous three answers seem to suggest that most youths don’t care much for the really important things. I don’t think it’s true.

    I know where I want to be in future and I am already working towards it with an internship in an MNC so that I can see how the industry works. I aim to get a good job so that I can pay off my study loan asap after graduation. After the loan has been paid off, I think I will be burden-free enough to do what I truly love (despite the pay) and not turn into a zombied cog in the capitalist system slogging away at mundane tasks in the office. I will love to travel widely and learn a few foreign languages. Charity work will also play a big part in my life.

    To sum it up, my aim in life would be to lead a meaningful life and the above is my definition of a meaningful life.

    I have friends with different ideals too and it all seems pretty exciting and meaningful. So not all youths are superficial. But then again, maybe it’s just because I’m 21, in university and am already an “older youth”. I’m probably more a young adult.

  2. todays youth aim for a better understanding life to have a better future and job and to earn more money

  3. all things superficial and non important

  4. Many young people are worried about studying and finding a nice job later.

    Others aim to get married and have children.

    And finally there are those who don't have any aim in life :s

  5. i really do not know what today's youth are aspiring for and what is their aim. materialism? money?fame? at the end of the day they may be feeling dejected for all all these aims because without a bit of spiritualism all the above aims are "nought".

  6. this 15 year old aims for better understanding of life.

    and also to score a hot chick for summer.

    i hope i helped!

  7. In today generation  ,youths are Aimless.They itself falling into s*x.Lifestyle becoming wrost

  8. I think the youth aim for a variety of things depending on how they were brought up and what their societal influences are.

    In general as a stage of development the youth are at a very selfish stage where they are focused on me me me.  Therefore many youth's aims are for self gratification.  What this gratification is depends on what their value and belief system is.  For some it may be as simple as acquiring material possessions the biggest and best of everything, for others getting into college getting good grade and getting a good job when they graduate, while others it is humanitarian efforts.  Still others are focused on finding love or happiness, and then there are those who are set on achievements, these will set out to make a name for themselves through a career where they can advance, either in the military or in a film/writing type industry.

    To say that today's youth aim for one thing in general would be a mistake as is always the case with classifying a group of people into one category.  Today's youth are no different than yesterday's youth.  They are in reality no lazier or more motivated than youth of the past.  I personally believe there is nothing wrong with waiting a year or two to decide what one wants to do for the rest of your life.  I don't get the whole idea of kicking an 18 year old out the door just because they are 18 and done with high school.  That doesn't necessarily mean they have the maturity and knowledge to deal with "real" life issues.  Whether they are in college or living and working, deciding what they want to do with the rest of their life is a huge decision that should not be taken lightly.  Once money is spent on college it can't be refunded and if you are stuck with a degree you don't like well, you are just stuck!  I don't understand why parents don't see this and encourage children to wait and get some life experience and really learn what they like and dislike before shelling out the money for college!

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