
What does tourism mean?

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i no what it means i just dont no how to explain it.




  1. Well in Australia it means Immigration.

  2. Tourism is the practice of traveling for pleasure. It is also the business of providing tours and services for tourists.  

  3. Money,Tourists spend it,

  4. The practice of traveling for pleasure.

    The business of providing tours and services for tourists.

    Geography Dictionary: tourism

    Making a holiday involving an overnight stay away from the normal place of residence. This is in contrast to recreation which involves leisure activities lasting less than twenty-four hours. This holiday may be based on the cultural, historic, and social attractions of an urban centre, or on the appeal of a different environment. Urban tourism increases the importance of the central place while tourism at the periphery can provide the income for economic development

    US History Encyclopedia: Tourism

    From sunbathers at Myrtle Beach to Civil War buffs at Gettysburg, Americans travel to many different destinations for a variety of reasons. Today, tourism plays an integral role in American economy, society, and culture. The Travel Industry Association of America reported that in 2001 tourism generated 7.8 million American jobs and revenues in excess of $545 billion. Yet tourism is relatively new. In less than two hundred years, touring has changed from the activity of a small elite to a mass phenomenon spurred by a thriving economy, improved transportation, national pride, and an increased desire to escape the pressures of modern life.

    Russian History Encyclopedia: Tourism

    Though tourism was not a product of the Russian Revolution, the Bolshevik emphasis on raising the cultural level of the masses and educating through practical experience made tourism one of the concerns of the new regime. The government created a number of institutions to encourage development in this field. Within Narkompros and Glavprolitprosvet, excursion sectors were established as early as 1919 to organize educational trips throughout the country; a number of these bureaus later developed into scientific-research bodies such as the Central Museum-Excursion Institute in Moscow. The two major organizations for Soviet tourism - the Society for Proletarian Tourism (OPT RFSFR, created by decree of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) and the joint-stock society Soviet Tourist (created by Narkompros in 1928) - merged in 1930 under the name of the All-Union Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions (OPTE) under the direction of N. V. Krylenko.

    Food & Culture Encyclopedia: Tourism

    Food has always been a component of tourism. As a physical necessity and as a prominent arena for expressing creativity and for embodying cultural and individual identity, food has functioned as destination, venue, and vehicle for tourism. As destination, food is the primary experience sought. The preparation, consumption, and even the viewing of a foreign dish gives the tourist a sense of otherness and the exotic. As vehicle, food offers an entry point for viewing another culture. The sensory attributes of food enable consumers to feel a deeper level of experiencing; by ingesting food representing another culture, they can feel that they ingest that culture.

    Wikipedia: tourism

    Tourism is travel for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes or the provision of services to support this leisure travel. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2006, there were over 842 million international tourist arrivals.


  5. Tourism is the short term movement of people away from their normal place of residence or work, and the business of providing tours and services such as accommodation for these tourists.

  6. when foreigners slash travelers are well....traveling

    it's to do with the industry too

    like, involving sight seers, motels and people like that

  7. travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment

  8. Tourism is an industry that promotes travel for people wanting to travel or recreate(relax and enjoy leisure time)

    It includes people like travel agents, restaurants, accommodation, tours to different places and all things to do with when you travel and go sightseeing

    Hope this helps your understanding

    A good website that also explains it for you  

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