
What does trust mean to you?

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Do you trust others easily, or are wary about what things you share with them?

Yours truly,

Lady Violet




  1. I can't fully trust anyone other than Allah. People break your trust but Allah never will.

  2. I trust no one except my parents, my grandma and Allah (SWT)

  3. I say how simple is my Allah....

    Don't u think when ever u say

    Allah i praise marcey from u, please forgive, i will not it again


    So i love my Allah

  4. Only trust yourself

  5. I only trust Allah and the prophet.

  6. No, I don't trust other easily. Trust is something very easily broken, and very hard to attain. If you are trusted, you should be honoured, because not everyone trusts people, and you should respect the person's trust on you and not break his/her trust.

    I don't share my personal stuff with many people. I trust God, my family, and a few friends. It's always healthy to have people to trust into. =)

  7. To be fully open to someone

  8. In short, everything, one of my favorite is "without trust, there is no love" said by Cupid in Roman mythology.

  9. To be open with someone about anything and everything. But there is trust with certain things. I do not fully trust anyone except God.

    You have to earn being trusted

  10. It means the world to me. If someone trusts me, I would go an extra mile not to lose that trust.

    Ofcourse depends on who is giving you thier trust..but in general I value trust greatly.  

  11. What I learned from life is that you cant trust anyone, other than your parents. But the most person you can trust is god.

    Other than that no.

  12. Trust is when there are 5 letters T-R-U-S-T and they are meant!

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