
What does variable mean in the scientific method?

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What does variable mean in the scientific method?




  1. it is what changes in the experiement.

  2. something that is not at a reliable contant set level, something that will change. post the question from the paper

  3. Independant Variable- Things you change

    Dependant Variable- Things you Measure

    Constant- something that DOES NOT change

  4. Project experimentation is the process of testing a hypothesis. The things that have an effect on the experiment are called variables. There are three kinds of variables that you need to identify in your experiments: independent, dependent, and controlled.

    The independent variable is the variable you purposely manipulate (change). The dependent variable is the variable that is being observed, which changes in response to the independent variable. The variables that are not changed are called controlled variables.

  5. same as first answer

  6. Variable means a trait or feature that your going to modify and see how it affects the results.  Typically in the scientific method you will only want to change one item at a time.  If you change multiples you don't know which affected the outcome.  Typical examples would be pressure, humidity, temperature, etc.

  7. no fixed value. it can fluctuate.  

  8. variable means one thing that you can change.

  9. A variable is the one thing that changes in a scientific study/experiement.

    For example if you were to see how the same plant grows in differrent levels of light.....the LIGHT would be the variable.

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