
What does vinegar do to skin (face)? When applied?

by Guest65837  |  earlier

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I used it last nite before going to bed and this morning I woke up and the redness of my acne scars were almost gone!! I still can't believe my eyes, what does it do?




  1. it opens the pores letting the acidic feature of the vinegar,kill the bactiria, it has commen uses like that in other places of the world and it is all natural! It makes  your skin healthier and softer than the drugs that just cover up the acne. This is the natural alternitive to acne drugs :)  

    Good luck!

  2. It makes the skin more acidic than alkaline

  3. It burns for a little while and might be a little harsh,but it might help.It does kill bacteria.  

  4. Vinegar is acidic.  it's gonna work like an astringent.  Because it opened up your pores they are able to get oxygen and well that helped heal your acne.

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