
What does wannarexic mean?

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Is this a different eating disorder of Anorexia-Nervosa or no?

I never heard wannarexic before and I recently just heard it from someone so now im curious.




  1. It's a girl who just wants to look anorexic, but doesn't have any symptoms associated with the disorder.

  2. 'Wannarexic' girls yearn for eating disorders

    Posted 8/4/2007 12:00 PM | Comments44 | Recommend11 E-mail | Save | Print |  

    Digg  Newsvine  Reddit  Facebook What's this? By Valerie Bauman, Associated Press

    Shortly after helping a popular high school student in her recovery from anorexia, Dr. Richard Kreipe had a strange request from another student at the same school.

    She wanted to know how much weight she would have to lose to be anorexic, just like the wealthy, thin, popular — and very sick — girl who had entered into treatment.

    Some teenagers think "If they become thin, or get an eating disorder, they will be popular," said Kreipe, the medical director at the Western New York Comprehensive Care Center for Eating Disorders in Rochester.

    While Kreipe had seen this phenomenon before, only recently has it acquired a name: wannarexia.

    Most commonly found among teenage girls, wannarexia is a label describing those who claim to have anorexia, or wish they did. While wannarexia hasn't been studied, experts say a growing number of girls have a misguided desire to be anorexic to gain popularity or to lose weight.

  3. Wannarexia; is a label applied to someone who claims to have anorexia nervosa, or wishes they did. These individuals are also called wannarexic “wanna-be ana” or "anorexic wannabe".

    Wannarexia is a cultural phenomenon and has no diagnostic criteria,although some wannarexics may be instead diagnosed with eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). Wannarexia is found in teenage girls who want to be popular, and is likely caused by a combination of cultural and media influences.

    The distinction between anorexia and wannarexia is that anorexics aren't satisfied by their weight loss, while wannarexics are more likely to derive pleasure from weight loss. Many people who actually suffer from the eating disorder anorexia are angry, offended, or frustrated about wannarexia.

    Although wannarexics may be inspired or motivated by the pro-anorexia, or pro-ana, community that promotes or supports anorexia as a lifestyle choice rather than an eating disorder, they are not welcome in this subculture. Participants in pro-ana web forums only want to associate with "real anorexics" and will shun wannarexics who only diet occasionally, and are not dedicated to the lifestyle full-time.[9] Community websites for genuine anorexics and bulimics have posted advice to wannarexics saying that they don't want their "warped perspectives and dangerous behavior to affect others."

  4. A wannarexic is a girl who wants to look anorexic, but does not have any of the psychological symptoms associated with the disorder. They can be found on pro-ana discussion groups, saying things like "I'm 5'4 and 100 pounds, omg I just eat 3 pieces of celery every day. Nicole Ritchie and Lindsay Lohan are my thinspiration!" Wannarexics consider anorexia a lifestyle choice, when it actually is a disorder of the brain. In acting as if anorexia is something one can consciously "join," they trivialize a real psychological disorder.

    Wannarexics do not have an eating disorder, per se. They are just stupid and misguided. The general public often lumps wannarexics together with actual anorexics and bulimics, due to some common traits such as perfectionism or control issues.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Wannarexic : a girl who pretends to suffer from anorexia, eating disorder. It's a psychological disorder

    wanna: want to be. anorexic: Suffering from a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite. Wannarexic person wants to be pathologically thin.. Approximately 96% of those affected by anorexia or bulimia are female, but males can develop the disorder as well. Many famous people died of eating disorder. Read here famous celebrities who have spoken publicly about their suffering with eating disorders

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