
What does wanting to travel to Venice say about someone's personality?

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just something i was thinking about.

i travel alot. and i told my boyfriend to pick anywhere he wants to plan a trip to.

and he picked venice.

and i got to thinking, where people want to travel to, says alot about them as a person.




  1. Are you saying you don't want to go to Venice?? It's the most beautiful city I've ever visited, so I don't know what that says about me.

  2. I guess that he is a romantic person

  3. He wants to impress you, via romance?

    It's a beautiful city? It has alot of history? Don't put too much thought into this, where people choose to travel too doesn't really say alot about them. I mean, as long as he didn't pick someplace long as he picked somewhere that both of you would enjoy, and that's beautiful, then you have nothing to worry about.

    lol@g*y. That's paris silly.

  4. g*y lol  

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