
What does wearing wearing my heart on my sleve mean?

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idk what it means. and it confuses me. and telling me what being jaded means would help to XD




  1. Wearing your heart on your sleeve usually measn that you are very emotional, especially about love.  Sometimes this means someone who is too anxious or willing to  love, or too "clingy".. People that "wear their hearts on theri sleeves" ofen get hurt, emotionally.

    Jaded means that you are unaffected by certain things.  Usually, you are "jaded" against something. Like a doctor who is "jaded" against death doesn't really care if his patients live or die. Or a polcieman who IS going to give you a ticket for speeding because he has already heard ALL the excuses.

    BUT . . . that can be a good thing.  It is very difficult to be a doctor if you get emotionally upset everytime a patient dies.  You CAN"T save them all, so you just keep right on working on the next patient, hoping that you CAN save this one.  It is not because you are UNCONCERNED about the dead patient, but you are MORE CONCERNED about the living one.

    Interesting relationship.  People who "wear their heart on their sleeve" often becoem "jaded against love" because they've been hurt so many times.

  2. If it is said that you are wearing your heart on your sleeve, it is being said that you openly show your feelings or emotions rather than keeping them hidden.


  3. jaded =damage caused by abuse.

    often showing in the form of a disabilaty or clear marks on the subject.

    it often used with animals.  

  4. it means that your showing your emotions.  

  5. It means that you don't hide your emotions and that people can see exactly how you feel.  I've been told this too.  You can tell when I'm mad or sad or happy.  I don't believe in pretending to be something when I'm not.  

    As for jaded, it means that you are angry about something and can't let it go.  Example, you have a bad relationship and now you are mad at all the men/women you meet.  

    Hope this helps.

  6. Wearing your heart on your sleeve means that you wear feelings and emotions out in the open for all to see, you cry when you need to cry your happy when you want you sad when you need to be sad. You go with your feeling. Unlike some people you hold them in you let them out for the world to see regardless of who is around.  

  7. It pretty much means your going to let your self get hurt.. your not being cautious, like someone could break your heart.. I am so prone to don this.. I trust people way to easy and fall way to quick!!

    Good luck!

  8. Well, wearing ones heart on their sleeve refers to showing your emotions; typically regarding a love interest.

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