
What does weed do to you physically and mentally?

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OK i just did weed once...just a little puff....might do it again, but i want to know what it will do to me physically? Will i get acne? Well i get more tired or more energetic? Will this energy be for a long period (4-5 hours) or a short period (1-2)? Will anything else happen to me physically? And mentally, will i have problems with anxiety? Will i get tempted to do it again? Will i have nervous breakdowns in the long term? I know i might lose a few friends and you all will say DON'T TRY IT AGAIN...but i know what i am doing...i've thought about it and all...and life doesn't really hold anything in store for me




  1. Physically kill your nerves in your throat that helps you swallow so you have to spit goobers all the time. You usually don't get tired or energetic, your about the same. But you don't get tired walking etc. But you might get sleepy.

    Mentally a little anxious about realistic stuff.

    If you got the right mind set you will not to become addicted.

  2. at first you may feel like you get energy but it will quickly turn into relaxation, some people get paranoid, if you get acne problems its not from the weed rather from the munchies you will get from the weed, greasy foods and chocolate will help to promote acne, you will probably be tempted to do it again if you like it.  nervous break downs no

    i smoked pot for 26 years so i aint gonna tell you don't try it again, what i will say that if you feel life doesn't have anything in store for you, then you should see a doc about some depression meds, although I'd still smoke the dubby lol

  3. k heres the strait s**t, no acne wont be any different, you become pretty relaxed, and things will be funnier, if you dont smoke weed often when you do smoke weed you will actually trip sorta things will be like skipping sorta slow motion plus ull get hungry. mentally you wont have nervous break downs and it helps anxiety actually its a really good stress reliever. dont lose hope about life, but it doesnt mean u cant have fun while you do it. im 16 and iget high b4 school every once n a while, its fun

    more power to ya

  4. No acne.  It will slow down your reflexes, coordination, and perception of time, make you sleepy, very hungry (so make sure you get some munchies).  You may experience paranoia since you have just began smoking, but with experience, it will go away.  It may also make things seem funnier, cause you to laugh more, relieve pain, enhance music listening experiences (all your favorite music will sound even better), enhance your taste, cause cotton mouth, bloodshot eyes, laziness, and short-term memory loss.  Just be prepared to endure these effects for a few hours.  I smoke weed myself and don't see anything wrong with it, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Just don't do anything dumb like try meth, coke, heroine, etc.

  5. Wow. I didn't have nearly that many questions when I first smoked weed. Probably would have been better off if I did. Ok, some answers for you...

    You will not get any more energy from it. You will get less. Lethargy, laziness, and even depression can result from it. Acne is not a side effect of smoking weed.

    You very well may be tempted to do it again. It's not addictive like crack or heroin, but if you enjoy the way being stoned feels, there's always the chance that you'll want it again.

    Many people get anxiety and paranoia from smoking pot. It's not uncommon by any means.

    You probably will lose a few friends over it, and rightly so. Friends are far more useful than weed. Try to remember that. You may think you know what you're doing, but you can't see the future.

    Life has plenty in store for you. It's up to you to find out what. I'm fairly certain that you're young (teenage, I'm guessing). Far too young to have given up on your future. I'm only 28, so I have clear memories of being a teenager. There's endless possibilities for you in the world. You just have to seek them out.

    And not once did I say DON'T TRY IT AGAIN. It's your life, and you are the one that has to face the consequences of your actions.

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