
What does yoga do for your body?

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besides balance.

And where can I find some good yoga exercises online for free?




  1. gives you good posture and tones, try exercise tv and you tube;...

  2. it improves your posture, tones your mucles,makes you more flexible and can help you mind.

  3. fit & healthy physically & mentaly

  4. Check this website if you want to:,

  5. Yoga makes your body flexible, tone it, and keep it healthy for life!

    Check this free yoga e-course:


  6. There are several types of yoga. Hatha tones the body, helps quiet the mind if you do correct breathing, tones the inner organs, detoxifies. Iyengar yoga has healing qualities for the organs. Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness, can make you very intuiitive and balance the chakras,can detox the organs, there are hundreds of different sets to work on different things such as anger, cleansing the liver, opening the heart center, it is the original yoga. Ashtanga is a very intense physical workout which does similar to Hatha.

    I dont know of any good free videos but I'm sure Youtube has different ones.

    Once you find your yoga I would suggest a class to get the group energy.

  7. Yoga and Pilates are so good for the body.  Yoga tones, stretches and aligns the body.  It literally changes a person.  You become more tolerable of everyone and every situation, you are more patient and calm and relaxed.  It is equally beneficial for the mind as it is for the body!

    Try this site for free yoga:

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