
What does you can't view this question mean?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike;_ylt=AoxWOd_xETBNL0IWilMAQUDHLxV.;_ylv=3?qid=20080616203310AA4IiXd i can't answer or see this question.




  1. If you have never tackled her, just disregard the block. It can be a misunderstanding that will be solved in time.

  2. he/she have blocked you

  3. Oh sorry :(  I forgot to remove the block from you.  Since you were new to this section, I normally block people on Level 1 who may seem to be troll-like, but I know now that you aren't a troll.  I'll be sure to remove it :)  Again, sorry if you felt excluded, but this is only normal w/ me.

  4. They have either reported you and it's being investigated or they have blocked you from seeing them, did you write something that they might not agree with? Some people are petty like that and will only accept answers that back up their warped sense of reality.

    Edit: In that case his question was probably reported and is being removed for being offensive.

  5. Has someone clicked on the abuse button for by any chance as until the question has been verified as okay you will not see the question. The very same thing happen to one of my questions last week without any reason given..though I did find out later that someone had clicked the report button.

    In my opinion this is all wrong that someone out of petty mindedness can block your question and it's about time Yahoo reviewed this policy thoroughly.

  6. You were blocked by the asker,meaning that you must have offended them so they blocked you

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