
What does you government do to end the actions of Neo n***s?

by Guest34395  |  earlier

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I asked a question about Neo n***s and you all answered very good and it was helpful. First of all i want to thank you for that.

Do you think your government is working well to end their actions?




  1. Well, right wing radicalism is illegal in Germany, so if you act openly as a n**i you will go to jail.

    There have been law suits trying to prohibit right wing parties or bands in the past.

    It is prohibited to produce or purchase or own Cd's that contain

    pro-n**i matters.

    We also have a law about incitement of the people, so it is also illegal to say you are a n**i or that you are pro n**i.

  2. Well in West Germany society in general fights neo n***s - not just laws but teaching kids in kindergarden, in high school and college - celebrate diversity. It is different in Berlin and other parts of East Germany - sadly there are many xenophobic incidents; esspecially in Berlin.

  3. THe law against that n***s are the strongest in the world. You can buy World War II articles in the whole world - not in Germany.

    But we have not enough and strong laws against that communist people from the former DDR. Thats democracy!!!

  4. hm...what do other countries against Neo n***s? In Germany it isn't allowed to show any n**i symbols but it's no problem to buy all the stuff in other countries ...I saw t-shirts with the swastika everywhere...except in Germany...there are many Neo n**i groups in other countries because the laws are not so strict as in Germany...what do they against it?

  5. Why should they do anything against neo-n***s? They're making themselves ridiculous as they are, and we have some of the srongest laws in the world against spreading n**i propaganda. As a matter of fact, making that law stronger would be against the constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. (Some people say that the law is already against the constitution, as it forbids things like the denial of the holocaust, but: They never won a case at the federal court. Which might prove that either judges are stubborn, or the complainants couldn't make their case. Choose what you like.)

    Our government has rules and a penal code that punishes a crime as what it is: A crime. There's penalty for "murder", that's some ten years or so, and then there is "severe murder", which is a harder verdict and can be spoken when somebody acted out of a plan and for vile reasons. (I could tell that in German, but I've no plan how to translate it properly.) There's no death penalty in Germany, which I find is the best solution for a free and democratic state, but there's a matteroffactly lifelong imprisonment sentence nowadays ("Sicherheitsverwahrung") which is alright.

    Some people critisize our laws for the young. Well, weren't we all young once and didn't behave that well? I don't say that youngsters beating up elderly people should not serve their time in jail; but I think they should be given a chance. And that's what the law gives them: A chance. Maybe two, maybe three; but then they're gone.

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