
What does your 1 year old eat? B/C MINE WONT!!!

by Guest64296  |  earlier

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Brayden is about to be 13 months and just wont eat. He spits it out, throws it on the floor. Until yesterday eating was a battle until I decided that the first time he acts up like that, he must be done. Honestly it has saved my sanity for 2 days now but he still has not eaten.

This is what he has ate since 730am and now is 3pm

2 bite of my cereal

1 bite of cereal bar

1 dime size peice of watermelon

2 bite of apple sauce



basically same thing yesterday with an added cup of yogurt for dinner. he doesnt seem sick or have any other symptoms of getting his molors. does a one year old survive on love and air only? hehehe




  1. THANK YOU, I have been worried out of my brain I have just logged on to ask exactly this question as my 12 month old has stopped eating too, I think his molars are coming through, but it is quite distressing when he has been eating well with a healthy appitite to just having a few bites here and there.

    These answers atleast have put my mind at rest. thx

  2. This is totally normal!!!  Your son won't starve himself.  When my son was that age he went through that too.  I just went to the store and bought things that had the most protein in them.  Dries apricots, cottage cheese, any other kind of cheese, eggs and a surprisingly large variety of fruit snacks and roll ups.  Don't worry...he will hit a growing spurt soon and eat you out of house and home!!!

  3. He is probably getting all his nutrients from his milk, so the food is just there for him to taste or enjoy, not for nutrional relax, he will eventually eat more when he has less milk.

  4. I would not worry too much. At 12 months my son was eating probably less than that, and nursing like a newborn. He was that way until about 14 months, and then slowly increased his food intake. Even now at 20 months he still nurses more than he eats, LoL.

  5. At least you are offering healthy items, you really can't force your child to eat.  Just keep offering food.  What I need to do sometimes is not feed for 4-5 hours and then they pig out!  Be happy he is not overeating, imagine having to keep food away from a baby while they cry for it!  Or having to worry about all sorts of health and emotional issues that stem from obesity. Now THAT is hard for moms!

    My 1.5 yr loves to eat radiator shaped pasta with butter and a little sauce and little salt.  I started to give her all sorts of food on toothpicks, starting at about 16 months.  I find the dull ones (flat) at grocery store and I supervise her while she eats.  She LOVES to eat with toothpicks and pretty much eats things she normally wouldn't eat!

  6. lol, time to quit stressing yourself.  My daughter (she's 3 now) is such a picky eater and right about 15 months or so, that's when it all started.  She has a fairly good list of foods she'll eat, most of them healthy, but I learned not to force it.  Kids will eat when they are hungry .... end of story.  you will see his appetite increase and decrease depending on his growing..... when my daughter is in a growth spurt, she'll eat literally ALL day and she sleeps a little more.  When she's not, she picks at stuff here and there and doesn't sleep as much.  There could be other reasons such as teething or maybe he is coming down with a cold.  I wouldn't really worry about it unless he's losing weight or doesn't seem himself.  If that starts to happen, go see the dr, otherwise, relax, go with the flow and it will all fall into place!!

  7. one thing I found was, kids eat when they are hungry, if he doesnt want to eat to much, dont force it. If he is a healthy weight, then why worry? He'll let you know when he's hungry and then feed him. My daughter is constantly hungry. She is 3 yrs old but is as tall as a 5 year old, and she runs non-stop. My 20 month old isn't so much, he is average height and weight but he doesnt eat that much. my kids are complete opposites.  

  8. I am the mother of 4. age 16.12.5. and 2. I have been through this with all of them. Simple answer... a child will not starve themselves. At least he is eating 'something' He is simply trying to 'win' this battle he has picked. Most children go through this. My 2 year old has her bouts still. One day eating one day not. As long as you keep offering healthy snacks and plenty of water.. (be careful with milk... that can fill him up and make the problem worse.) He should balance out after a day or two. I know you feel very frustrated right now but hang in there you are not alone.  

  9. Kids' appetites actually drop off around that age - they just aren't growing like they did when they were infants. Your son's pediatrician will obviously alert you if there is a problem with his growth.  

    So, relax. Keep offering a variety of healthy foods, don't cater to him (within reason) and don't resort to junk just because he'll eat it (not that you're doing this - it's just a common habit to pick up unintentionally). Hang in there!

  10. Sometimes they do seem to survive on love and air, for a while.  If they are not losing weight, or seem sick, I would offer them food at mealtimes.  If they don't eat, don't worry they may not be hungry.  Make sure they have plenty of water to drink.  Wait and they will start eating so much you won't believe it.  Children go through growth spurts where they will eat a lot, when they are through that phase they don't eat much at all.

    My grandson (17 months) will do that sometimes for a week or so not eat much at home with his parents.  Then I take him out for the day and he eats more than I do while we are out.  His mom likes me to take him out to eat because he behaves for me and eats a lot, even if she is with us.

  11. Some babies about that age just wont eat and then you cant feed them enough. its just what happens.

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