
What does your 7 week old weight?

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So we went into the doctor the other day and they said that my 7 week old daughter weighs 7 pounds 10 ounces

(at birth she weighed 6 pounds 1.7 ounces)

My doctor said that she looks good but didn't say much (I am thinking about changing doctors) Is this a healthy weigh for a 7 week old? It seems a little small to me..

(last week when we took her in she weighed 8 pounds 1 oz with her clothes on, they keep weighing her differently each time)

*She eats every 3 hours during the day- 2 1/2 oz.

Sleeps 6 hours at night then she wakes up and eats 2 1/2 oz and goes back to sleep for 3-4 hours. She is formula fed. Similac Organic.

*another doctor (not from the same clinic said she needs to be eating 3 oz every 3 hours on the dot.)

My daughter cant handle eating 3 oz, she will refuse to eat it.

So since she can handle 3 oz that doctor said to thicken her formula by adding 3 scoops of formula and 4 oz of water (making 6 oz bottle)

(we make a full bottle a head of time because we have to measure it out to 70 mls each feeding) So she gets enough calories as if she were eating a 3 oz bottle




  1. I would say that since she refuses to eat more than she actually is, that she is full which shows that she is eating what she needs and since you are not forcing the 3 ounces, you are not overfeeding her either. My son is 7 weeks and he weighs 11 pounds. He is very big for his age, although he was 8lbs 4ozs when he was born. He gains about an ounce a day the dr said. he eats anywhere from 4 to 6 ounces every 3 hours unless he is sleeping then he usually will go hours on end without eating. My doctor insists on waking him up to feed him and gets mad that he eats more than 3 ounces every 3 hours. However, when he only eats 3, he cries from hunger. He sleeps through the night and if he doesnt he usually wakes up once. Thickening her formula is a good idea but it also can cause it to still be too much for her little tummy and make her spit up. Either way, she sounds like she is ok. Feed her on demand, she will tell you when she is hungry. Give her what you give her and if she cries for more, start by giving her one ounce more and go from there. You sound like you're doing just fine by going by your instinct, she just might be small for her age...and smaller framed, how long was she? Good luck though!

  2. she sounds like she is gaining weight just fine, but if you are already unhappy with your pediatrician i would def. get a different one. you have to be happy with your child's doctor. always remember babies know when they wanna eat or not eat and how much don ever force them to eat and i wouldn't make the formula thick like that doesn't sound so yummy. good luck  

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