
What does your 8 month old eat everyday?

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My son turns 8 months next week and he eats three meals a day sometimes four. He has breakfast,lunch,dinner,snack. He mostly eats jar baby food. Sometimes he has biter biscuits. He also has a banana holder too that I give him sometimes. I just found yo baby yogurt today and I'm going to start giving him that. Has anyone else tried it? how did your baby like it? He seemed to love it. He hates cereal now and will hardly eat more than a few bites. So anyways what is your baby eating??




  1. as long as your 8 mth old can sit up you can give him cheerios and puffs. if he doesnt like the cereal anymore try giving him cream of wheat or oatmeal. you can make him mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes, cooked rice with very little salt, cooked pasta. you can cook almost anything and mash it up for him so he doesnt gag or choke  

  2. My 8 month olds all nursed.  Only.

  3. Mine is still having 3 1/2 bottles a day, and i've just started doing breakfast, lunch & dinner. i make most of her food.

    breakfast is cut-up pieces of fruit (banana, mango, avocado, etc), yo baby yogurt (she LOVES this!!), low-sugar oatmeal or maybe a slice of toast to chew on. she then has a bottle

    lunch is veggies, which i make -- either peas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, or white potatoes (she'll usually have 1-2 ice-cube sized servings. sometimes she'll have it mixed with minced chicken . also, applesauce, cut up pieces of fruits, avocado & cheese.  

    dinner is similar to lunch (veggies, fruits, chicken, etc).   sounds like a lot but she usually has a few bites of this and few bites of that....  

  4. the only thing she consistently has every day is breastmilk. I do feed her biter biscuits, puffs, fruits and veggies, pieces of meat and cheese, etc. anything she can actually feed herself. she has had some jar food and cereal, mostly because it was free. i haven't done yogurt yet, im trying not to spoon feed her too much plus I cant stand the smell of yogurt!!

  5. My daughter is eight months, two weeks... ( 12.4.07 ). She eats breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner. She will eat about 3/4 a jar of baby food. My daughter LOVES the yo baby yogurt. Its a little runny, but good. My daughter started hating cereal too, I think they just get bored of it. I started rotating cereal and baby oatmeal. Also gerber has a baby food that I will rotate too. Its called DHA/ ARA Apple & Vanilla Granola. She seems to do better with a variety.  For lunch veggies, snack either yogurt, or I have one of those fruit/veggie feeders that looks like a strainer that they suck the juices out. And I will give her some crackers, cheerios. Dinner I will feed her apples/chicken baby food, veggies/rice baby food, etc...

    She drinks 6 oz bottles throughout the day. Probably about 4-5 bottles.

    Hope that helps!! :) Shes walking too, so she is always works up an appetite :)

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