
What does your 9 month old eat? finger food wise?

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I'm just curious on what everyone's 9 month old is eating now. Ive tried lots of things with my son:

mashed potatoes

cut up green beans

cut up carrots



sweet potato

cut up pieces of peach and nectarines


string cheese



and spaghetti

any other suggestions on what i can give my 9 month old boy. any recipes/food ideas?





  1. When my daughter was 9 months old she was eating

    stuffing (any kind)


    mac cheese

    cut up pieces of hot dogs

    cookies the healthy kind


    cut up pieces of cucumber





    yogurt melts

    puffs in the baby food section

    basically the stuff you have already written down..

    hope this help

  2. My nine-month old eats..

    black beans

    brown rice





    scrambled eggs (yolk)

    pasta w/ olive oil or sauce




    cooked carrots



    There's more, but that is the majority of it. I really like the recipe and food ideas at wholesomebabyfood.

  3. You can introduce any meats, there is no need to restrict them.  Also all veggie and fruit are fine.

    My nine month old eats curry, jerk chicken, watermelon, papaya, and tomatoes.  That's about it.  Really if it doesn't have a strong flavour he isn't really interested

  4. I think what you are doing is great, keep up the good work.

  5. My daughter is 8months and 3 weeks old. \

    She is eatting much of what your baby is eatting.

    Other things I give her are,

    Mac and cheese, I make it myself, that why I know what goes into it.


    She eats the biter biscuits as well

    She also drinks from a sippy cup as well.

    I know and heard you are suppose to wait for awhile before giving the biter biscuits, but my daughter is already  crawling, standing on her own and taking steps on her own. So the doc said I could give it to her.

  6. This list helps me for ideas for my 8.5 month old, LOL!  Here are a few things she's eating that you could add to your list:

    Apple chunks - steamed

    Pears chunks - steamed

    Melon chunks (the soft inner part) - honeydew and cantelope (sp?)

    Avocado chunks

    Banana chunks or mashed (mix the banana with the avocado, sounds yuck to us but to a baby it's super yum!)

  7. just give it some sweets!

  8. Ian loves slices of avacado!! We started that when he was about 8 or 9 months old...also gerber puffs and crunchies...he loves those too...beans and peas are a fav also, but the beans cause nearly explosive diapers (beware)

  9. My grandson is 9 months old too.  He eats Cherrios, cut up banana, cut small pieces of meatball/meatloaf, cantaloupe, cheese (he loves cheese and my daughter had him eating this before the pediatrican ok'd it.  He said it's best to wait until they are one year old to give them dairy, but the baby has no problem with it so the doc said it was ok to keep giving him cheese), crackers,  asparagus steamed soft, and his absolute favorite, avocado. Yesterday at my house he ate a whole avocado by himself.  Perfect texture and it's full of vitamins, minerals and good omega 3s.

  10. I basically give him everything I eat, but in little bite sized chunks and put it on his high chair tray.  Right now, his favorite is chicken.  I baked a chicken the other night and cut up some pieces and put it on his tray.  He tore into them and ate and ate until I thought he was going to pop.  lol

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