
What does your answers say about you..........?

by  |  earlier

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how much about you can a person discover by reading your answers or questions?




  1. That I seem to have an open heart but I am very careful now.

  2. sexist racist pig.


  3. ummm psh im hella hyper thats always easy to see

  4. they can learn quite a some days i am very serious with my answers and questions but other days i can be funny (at least i hope i am funny!)

  5. lots

  6. That I am an @$$.

  7. They'd have to converse with me to know the truth because I always seem to be misunderstood in my answers.

  8. a lot. I guess. but not too much. if people want to know more, the can just e-mail me. :-)

  9. Very little, except that I live in the dark and desire the blood from a neck...

  10. My answers are all about who I am and how I see the world.

    My questions are to make people laugh or think.

  11. I'm really great and a nice caring person. Yes all this is very true. Wut can you say about that?

  12. That I'm honest..and myself/unique..that I don't try to be like everyone else..Also that I like to joke around and I don't take things too seriously: )

  13. they may get embarrassed!

    im honest!

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