
What does your betta setup look like?

by  |  earlier

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Can you show what your betta setup looks like?




  1. i don't have a picture, and she lives in a 30g/120l community, but here's a description:

    bright blue gravel

    2 large flat rocks

    small white stone bridge

    2 plastic plants, 2 live plants (in gravel)

    2 more plastic plants, suctioned to the top of the right side (betta hides in there sometimes)

    big stump decor with lots of crevices and holes (mostly used by red tail shark and lampeye tetras)

    background with piles of flat stones and grass-like aquatic plants

    aerator in back, makes a little wall of bubbles

    the fish get fed freeze dried medly, spirulina flakes, and tropical color enhancing flakes twice a day

    temperature is 79-80 F

    light, filter, heater, etc (duh)

  2. its nothing fancy, just some gravel and some rocks..

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