
What does your job represent for you?

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Is it just a way of surviving or is it something which satisfy you and you do it with pleasure?




  1. my job pays the bills and i like people i work with. that's good. plus, it's a good company so i feel ok talking about it more than working, say, for some evil corporate.

    it doesn't represent me anything, though. my job, if it were a person, wouldn't have much in common w/ me.

  2. I love my job, and I feel so sorry for people who do not love their jobs. It must feel like dieing a slow death, bit by bit- everyday. I do not feel the time goes by when I am working.

  3. like most people it provides food clothing roof over my head peace of mind we all need  to work to feel we are contributing for all  i am from n.ireland  we like the rest of Britain pay Nat/insurance for free health care for all so i can hold my head up high and know i pay my way in life instead of being afraid of getting sick like most people in the states

  4. i don't have one, i'm sixteen and i just rip people off on ebay by selling fake software i torrented.

    so yeah, for pleasure

  5. The opportunity to help people manifest who they are, where they have been and how they live in their environment. Since I only take on the projects that I find interesting and work when I want to, I do it with pleasure, meet interesting people and learn something new from everyone I meet.

  6. I don't have a job! I have a way of life and it rewards me.

  7. its a job thats all

  8. its dull dull dull :-/

  9. My job provides our family with full medical benefits.  My husband's job doesn't offer any benefits at all, so I'll be tied to my job for at least the next decade.  I try to make the best of it and several of my coworkers are in the same boat.  The job isn't thrilling, but we organize pot lucks, bowling tournaments, etc which helps us to connect on a personal level.

    I get a lot of personal satisfaction and joy from the volunteer work I do.

  10. For now im just working to survive....but when im done with college and grad school...i hope to be somewhere where i am satisfied with my job...and look forward to it...not dread it

  11. Right now it is a way of surviving that I do with pleasure.

    Not satisfying at times but striving to create new challenges along the way.

  12. I am very satisfied with my current career.  I work for a modeling school and I work with their community service program that is nationwide.  I am around very intelligent women all day long and can learn from them.  As far as my position, it is the first job I love.  And because I enjoy it so much, I have become the top producer with in a 7 month time frame.  This has never happened at another job due to the fact it was for survival only.  My job now represents the fact that if you love what you do... you will do well.  This is true and I am living proof of that.   I thought this was c**p before.  I am so happy to go to work and really anticipate the next day, every day.  So to all of you who are just getting by emotionally in your current job....go find something that makes you feel good inside, it is not worth being in a place you hate each day when you can really enjoy your job.

  13. It depends. I have had a number of jobs in various different countries doing various different things. Personally I found most of them tedious and boring and did not inspire me to work apart from the money. So I jacked all my previous jobs in and now I live in Mexico doing what I want to do, being my own boss and living very comfortably. Inspite of this life change, I think I work harder now than I ever did before. I understand what you are looking for, for me though money was never a strong enough motivation. And now my job is something I really enjoy doing.

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