
What does your kids call your parents? and inlaws??

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nan and pop

granpa and grandma

grandad and grandma

call both sides the same thing or different??




  1. The in laws are Grammie and Grumpy  ( mother in law insists that father in law be called this cos she thinks it's cute cos everyone always thinks he is grumpy when he actually isn't. I'm not sure that when my bub grows up that this will be appropriate?)

    MY parents will be Nanny and Pop.

  2. My parents are Nana and Poppy

    My husbands parents are Nana and Papa

    We tried to make his parents Grandma and grandpa but our son ended up calling them what he wanted, I think Nana and Poppy are easier for little ones to say and I dont think it matters if both sides have the same names.

  3. Im only 13 but when i have kids they are calling my mum and dad Mahjah for mum and Fahjah for dad....Us 4 kids made that up and mum and dad love it!

  4. Well, this is my niece and unfortunately there are no grand fathers around but she calls my mom "Ning Ning" and her mothers mom "Memaw", we don't know where she came up with Ning Ning. Haha

  5. my son calls my parents

    grandma and grandpa

    and occasionally he calls my dad grump-a =]

    my inlaws

    papa and nima

  6. My parents are Granny & Papa.

    My in-laws are Grandma and Grandpa.

    I myself called one side Mema and Pepa and the other Granny (my grandfather on that side passed away when I was an infant).

  7. My parents are Nana and papa

    his mom is called grandma

    and his grandparents are called nini and pop

  8. well since i'm chinese, we call our grandparents on our mom and dad's side different things.

    mom's side: grandma-po po; grandpa-gong gong

    dad's side: grandma-ma ma; grandpa-ye ye

    but if you're talking about in english..then i just call them grandpa and grandma despite what side they're on. and i don't really know about in-laws.

  9. My mum and stepdad - Nanny and Grandpa

    My Mother and Father In Law - Nanna and Pa

    And my dad and stepmum - Mama and Papa

    Its very confusing! The best bit is my son is only 13 months old and doesnt call them anything yet! (although he does say nan nan nan)

    We tried to give them all different 'names' so that when the kids are older they can refer to them as 'so&so' and we know which grandparent they are referring to.

  10. My mom is Granny, my stepdad is Pappy.  My grandma is Mamaw, my grandpa is Papaw.  Then my stepgrandparents are Grandma mother and Grandpa Daddy.  

    They really don't know my dad that well but they call him Grandpa Larry usually and then my stepmom is grandma Tina.  As for my inlaws well my oldest son has only see my exmotherinlaw twice so he just calls her his dads mom and they have never met his father so they just call him big Kevin (their father is Kevin too).

  11. The kids call my mum Bibi (means mother of the mother) and my dad is Poppy.

    My biological daughter calls her father's parents Grandma and Nanda (Scottish I think)

    My step daughter calls her father's parents Nanny and Pop (she doesn't see her mother or her mother's family).

    My son can't call anyone anything yet coz he's only 7 months old! haha!

  12. My parents are Honey and Papa (one of my nieces started calling my mom honey at around 9 months and it has stuck.)

      My son's step grandparents are Noni and Granddad.

    His other grandparents are Grandma Janice and Papa Chuck.

    He also has 3 sets of great grandparents that are all Grandma (first name) and Grandpa or Papa (first name).

  13. I have my Oma & Opa (which is with German heritage - Mum's side).

    I have Nanny & Grandad (which is English heritage - dad's side).

    And then lastly i have my Nanny Sophia (who is only an old neighbour but i consider her my grandmother).

    It helps if they are different so they don't get confused in conversations. Good luck! xoxo

  14. My kids have a Ma and Da,(my in-laws to be.)

    They call my Dad Poppa Eliott, and my Mum refuses to be called anything but her name.

  15. In Hebrew Saba and Savta

    are grandfather and grandmother.

    my children have Saba Ray and Savta Debby - my parents were born in the US

    Savta Sandy (my grandmother - also from the US originally)  

    Zaidi (that is grandfather in Yiddish, he is my grandfather and that is what we call him - some times my kids call him Saba Zaidi).

    They also have Saba Binyamin and Savta Riva (my in-laws)

    My daughter loves having so many Savtas.

  16. Poppa and grandma

    my nephew and niece call my parents, brown nana and poppa. they're other grand parents are white.

  17. My parents are nan and pop

    My partners parents and Granny and Grandfather

  18. grandma and pop-pop

  19. My side Nanna and Opa

    DH side Grandma and Grandpa.... (they wanted to be ma and pa but I said no way when MIL said she wanted to be Ma because that is what Dh called her when he was growing up.... sorry but I have issues with my kids addressing my MIL in the manner her own kids do).

  20. My brother and I called my dad's parents nanna and grandad.

    My mum's mum I think we called Oma.

    We also have a great grandad who we called greatgrandad and his second wife is called by her first name because step great grandma was too much to stay when I was 5.

  21. On my side its Nanna & Grandad on my partners side its Grandma & Grandad.

    Its always been Nanna's on my side, Never Grandma. But on my partners side, Its always been Grandma, My bf thought Nanna meant aunty lol!

  22. My mom is horsey grandma

    His mom is Grandma Lucas

    My dad is grandpa

    My step is papa

    His dad is gramps

    my grandma is grandma Betty

    His grandma is granny

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