
What does your martial arts training regime look like?

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What does your martial arts training regime look like?




  1. It changes depending on if I am fighting or what have you...

    Typically. right now:

    Mon: 6am 8:30am weights, 6 to 8: MMA(mostly groundwork), 8-9:30 Judo.

    Tues: 6am 8:30am Cardio 5 to 7 Boxing.

    Wednesday 6am-8:30am weights 6 to 8  MMA (mostly standing, Muay Thai), 8-9:30ish Judo.

    Thursday 6am-8:30am Interval Cardio 5 to 7 boxing.

    Friday: 6-8am weights 5-8pm Hard MMA Sparring.

    Saturday: Fun activity, swimming, hiking with dog, wife, kids.

    Sunday rest.

    That is currently. I will probably do this for the next 6 weeks, then on Tuesdays I will probably switch from boxing to BJJ, or Muay Thai exclusively, or try out another art if something interesting comes around. That is a pretty busy schedule, and I will most definately be cutting back as soon as our new baby is born.

    Other times my schedule is simpler:

    Mon, Wed, Friday is just MMA, or just Judo.

    With Gym being on Tues, Thurs, and Saturday.

    I try to do some Martial Arts at least 3 times a week, and do the gym 3 times a week, if I can combine both in one day I do and give myself more rest time.

    A lot of it depends on how I am feeling and what I have time for.

  2. My "regime" looks like a pack of scrappy hungry wolves.  My rabble, throng, posse of "street fighting" warriors look like great white sharks waiting in the ocean for a surfer.  You can check them out in action at: This video starts out with my best Student "Maximum Carnage" Mike Reinzan choking some kid to sleep, but the ref was an idiot hehehe....... Then there's the Amos brothers who both are well rounded fighters, Jake gets a little too mad in the cage though.

    Poor old 18 year old Michael Eaton is a softy though, he's the second kid in that video in the gaurd position of his opponent ( Michael Opened that kid's head up pretty bad ).....I gotta get Michael toughened up and get him winning for a MMA cage fighter he sure is awefully young.  I'll get him to a decent level of "toughness" eventually.  And at the end of the video you'll see my ugly mug and my blah blah blah cageside.

    or did you mean "regimen" becaue you did say,  "regime" so one of the two of us is a bit confussed or actually from the looks of it here I'd say more.....hehehehe........

    So much for watered down grade school and high school curriculums from coast to coast huh?  Although I will admit that the people over at "ye old dictionary" will add words such as RTOFL to it's dictionary as well so "regime" might mean tiolet paper by next week for all I know.

    regime - ( as my generation knew it )

    A form of government: a fascist regime.

    A government in power; administration: suffered under the new regime.

    A prevailing social system or pattern.

    The period during which a particular administration or system prevails.

    A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen. and all of a sudden we get to drop the "N" from regimen?

    I guess that's the old meaning....d**n you mean I have to update my english language like I'd update my software now?.....that's so unfair.....gee.

    I still say For-yer not For-yay in the pronounciation of the word fourier because For-yay sounds too risk-e not too risk-g*y you know what I'm saying?

  3. Wow...if I have a regimen it looks something like this.

    1. Wake up at 06:30, have coffee, do my chi kung (breathing), stretching and then tai chi form (Wu style 108) posture after stretching and chi kung

    2.  At 10:30 I go to the gym, do 10 minutes on the exercise bike, another 20 minutes rowing.  I do some circular weight plate exercises for core strength.

    3 sets x 20 reps pull ups. parallel pull ups, dips.

    4.  5 x 3 minute bag rounds, in between rounds I do sit ups or leg lifts of one kind or another.  50 reps per set minimum.

    5.  Occasional Bicep curls, a couple more sets of pull ups and some more ab stuff.

    6.  Once in a while I do bench presses and shoulder presses.

    7.  get back to life.

    3 Mornings a week I do tai chi classes, form and knowledge can always improve.  4 evening a week I go to combat SAMBO classes.  I also run Krav Maga classes at local schools and community centers

    This is my workout, adjust yours according to your skills, fitness and desire.

  4. What, do you mean like what do I do for training every day? Well first I start with push-ups, then sit-ups, then pull-ups, then I go through attack sequences. I pick ten sequences to work on, and perform each twenty times on a punching bag. Next I work on leg flexibility for high kicks. Then I practice knife and shuriken throwing, then nunchuck. Finally sword practice.

  5. sit-ups, push-ups, straddle-stretching, and COMPLAINING, COMPLAINING, COMPLAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    ...we're a bunch of lazy-*** ladies!!

    you know you love me. xoxo, gossip girl ;)

  6. I think just by doing your martial art you will train the right muscles and tendons in your body. Every unnatural movement like the ones you see in the gym will not improve your martial art skills. I practice Aikido and believe me no additional muscle building exercise is needed after two hours of training.

    By repeating the katas and forms and techniques the body will learn how to use the energy efficiently. Big muscles are not the prerequisite for a strong punch or an effective throw.

  7. It looks like a 6 pack

  8. In addition to class 3-4 times a week, I do 30 minutes of cardio, 100 crunches, 25 pushups and stretch each morning.  Also I run through my forms each morning.

  9. I mostly train on my own, with limited equipment.  Martial arts wise, I really only train stances, footwork, and traditional blocks. Ive forgotten every kata I ever learned. I do a lot of punching combinations. I stretch a lot. I also do push ups, crunches, pull ups, cardio on the Stair climber or Jump rope. When I get bored with those exercises, I use a total gym. I also have a speed bag, but i don't have a free wall to mount it on, so it's useless to me right now.

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