
What does your soul look like?

by  |  earlier

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I wonder?




  1. Must be clear - I cannot see him.

  2. Mine is fat ...

    ... but cuddly

    Seriously, your spirit looks similar to yourself - that is how you recognise people when you see them in dreams.

  3. SInce nobody's conclusively proved that they even have a soul, much less shown anyone what one looks like, the only valid answer to your question can be "I don't know".

  4. An etheric reflection of ourselves formed of pure energy.

    The colour is a composite of a spectrum of colours and ever changing according to what is influencing us at the time.

    At the point of death the soul takes on a white light at the point of departure from the body.

    To see what the soul may look like have a look at some sites on Kirlian Photography or pictures of Auras - specifically try and find some images of 'ghost limbs'.  This is when a limb has been lost but the auric field remains. People can still feel sensations in the 'ghost limb' because of the energy field.

    Although parts of the body may be lost the soul remains intact.

  5. I think it is however you want to view it...some may say white and fluffy....some ghostly but i like to think mine is like a photo frame showing my life's how's that for a deep

  6. I think its like a gastly white thing flowing around. lol

  7. lol gud question lol this is my opinion i dnt think we hav a soul i think the think tht u think is the soul is just another form of communication from the main part of the brain 2 another part of ur brain so mayb it has some thing 2 say about character and emotion.... lol did tht even make sence i hope it did =] lol

  8. I am not convinced we have a soul.  But if we did it wouldn't occupy physical space, so we wouldn't be able to see it.

  9. I think I just trod in dog sh:t

  10. Here are some pictures:

    Enjoy your wonderment!!

  11. It has light deep shade of blue color, I think!


  12. keep wondering. concept of soul is beyond senses like eye.

  13. Well I think it used to be white and pure, not so much anymore.

  14. My aura is very colorfull, my soul-invisible.

  15. Us people that evolved don't have them so we don't have to worry about what they might look like.

  16. It's sparkly

  17. it`s like yourself.when you dream at night, that`s your soul which goes every where and do things and you see it like yourself not for example a white cloth with two holes as eyes , u never say that`s me...

    the different is your body can not go out of place and time state but your soul can.

  18. well according to an episode of tales from the crypt,

    its this soft white ball shaped thing, looks like a little cloud :)

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