
What does your team have to prove upon this upcoming off-season?

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The section is basicly dead... thought I could ask a Q that everybody could answer.

Well for me, all the Penguins have to do is keep their current players. But if we are able to keep our main players, if we still have few millions in the cap space... wouldn't be a bad idea to grab another defense man.




  1. All teams need to reach out to their fans to make hockey better. The strike from a few years ago still has people scared to come back.

    The greedy mindset also has to change. Teams need to build a stable foundation where players will enjoy playing yet get rewarded for their accomplishments. It's tough to balance the two but it can be done with honesty and loyalty.

    It's sad to see the Original 6 teams doing so poorly w/ exception to Detroit and Montreal.

    I believe the first step to making the NHL a better sport is to replace Bettman as most of us find him a greedy backstabbing rat.

  2. getting past the frist round, have someone besides iginla try and win games, a good centre, maybe someone like ribero or prospal(too bad i dont hink their lleaving, maybe try to land ryan malone, and resign lankow and huseilius, if that is at all possible under the cap.  i barely get to watch te flames out here in New York, so i did my best

  3. My team's the Pens - They have to get Malkin's head in the game, for one. he's proved that he can step up to the pressure when the captain is out, and that he's an awesome regular season player.. But what's the point on having an awesome regular season player if he's just going to choke in the playoffs?

  4. My Flames have most of the pieces in place, but could definately use more talent up front. Someone consistant to help Iggy. Hossa might be a fit, so might Satan, or maybe Mats, but it's doubtful he'll leave the leafs

  5. The Wings need to figure out how to dominate more effeciently.  This winning three series in 6 games has to stop.

  6. Wings- we need to pick up a back up goalie. i dont think that jimmy howard is ready to step into that role yet. he needs one more year in the minors

  7. Penguins without a doubt. They are unfortunately going to lose some key players in the off-season but As last off season they showed everyone they are building in so many ways. Last season out in 1st round, this year well we all know what happened. they need to prove that they can be consistent and there is no reason that they cannot be a serious contender for the cup. Congrats to Detroit they definitely had the upper hand. Pit didn't come out to play against Detroit until Game 5.

  8. The Panthers need a puck carrying defenseman. But with the very few draft picks we have this year it is not very likely.. I expect to see a trade on draft day from them. A goalie of the future to develop would be  a plus as well . I see at least two players let go as well ( Mezei and Peltonen)

  9. For the Avs, try not to get injured so much and hopefully Tony Granato can take Colorado to the playoffs.

  10. The Flyers need a better goile Biron isn't getting the job done

  11. Hopefully we pick up Ron Wilson in the next few days. I loved him when he was the coach of my beloved CAPS and I think he is what Toronto really needs. Since we are screwed with the players we have to hold onto, maybe his coaching style is what will bring the Leafs out of the funk they are in.

  12. Bruins-goal scoring.  With Bergeron back they should be alright, but adding another 20+ goal scorer through trade or free agent signing wouldn't be a bad idea.

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