
What does your wedding ring Symbolize to you?

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What does your wedding ring Symbolize to you?




  1. A visible token of our commitment to each other.

  2. my wedding ring symbolizes a never ending life together. it means to be faithful, honest, kind, loving,and that it took us 5 years to get here with a 1 year old baby and some pretty hard times and alot of learning as to what God wanted the ring to symbolize.

  3. an eternal comitment, for better or worse, to work things out and stick with another person for the rest of you're life. Even the shape symbolizes infinity.

  4. I wedding ring means never ending, as in never ending love. Since the ring has no corners, it never stops which means its "never ending".  However, I am not married but i have been with my bf for 8 yrs now. I dont need a ring to know he loves me but I wouldnt turn one down.

  5. well, if i had one to wear (now divorced) it would mean many things. among the symbols would be peace, spirituality, ...a part of the natural order of life and love...continuation of tradition and being human and being a spiritual being and passing that on to future generations.

  6. My decision to link my life with another person.

  7. Symbol of love and commitment.

  8. that my partner truly loves me and we have promised each other that there will never be someone else who ever dies. and stay together  forever even through eternity and beyond.

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