
What dog breed is best for a family?

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Please help I'm looking for a dog breed good for me and my kids

I want an energetic breed so the kids can play with also

a breed of dog with high tolerance level so if my youngest son

hurts it by mistake the dog wont attack although my youngest son

wont pull on its ears or tail its always better to be save than sorry please help me thank you!




  1. golden retrievers. but the best dog for a family is a copper spaniel.

  2. 1. Golden Retriever

    2. Labrador Retriever

    3. Greyhound

    They are all great, loving, loyal dogs! They probably won't attack your son!!  I hope I helped!!!  Good luck finding the right dog!!!!!

  3. I have a mini terrier mix. And she is a joy to have in the family.

  4. golden retrievers or labs are energetic dogs, it would also help if you train the dog to ignore him when he attacks him

  5. Labrador Retrievers. They are perfect because they love people and are very easy to train. They also love to play outside with tennis balls and Frisbees.

    Best of luck

                  - Sunny :]

  6. A newfoundland i have one and he is very energetic and funn to be with .......he is always good and friendly to all people and a very good guard dog at night!!!

    the funny thing is he is 170+ LBS.

    he sleeps next to my bed and my pitbull sleeps on the bed with me

  7. Bloodhounds are VERY tolerant of children and they are not the lazy hound dogs that sleep all day that people think. They can be energetic but I would have to say a Golden Retriever would be GREAT for you.


    check out your local shelters!!  

  9. There are different variables to consider. First thing to do is think this through thoroughly. Do your homework and really take the time to learn about the breed of dog you want. Don't forget to consider the cost of owning a dog. Then ask yourself do you want a large, medium or small dog? Next is how much time are you really going to be able to commit to this dog? Playing for just 10 minutes a day is not enough for some dogs. We own a 15 month old Rough Collie and I am very pleased with him. He was a quick and patient learner. My oldest is 12 and youngest is 1 1/2. The dog does well with every one. You may not want a Collie. I have to admit that we do have to groom him quite a bit, simply because he does get dirty working livestock. But that I don't mind. Some people don't have time for that though, so I would suggest a short haired dog. I guess the best thing you could do is go to and look at the breeds you are considering. Almost every breed listed has a General Description of what each breed is for. Some breeds even have a Temperament description listed towards the bottom. I also recommend another site to do some research on. It is

    Best of Luck

  10. I would say that knowing the age of your children would help me answer this question easier. As much as you fear your children getting hurt I would also like to take a new pups security into consideration.

    I would love to say get a Golden Retriever or a lab for it`s sturdiness, playfulness and train-ability but again not having all the particulars.

    Good luck and God bless

  11. Get a lab or golden retriever. those are VERY tolerant of children. A St. Bernard is good if you don't mind a giant, but they're one of the most gentle breeds.

  12. Border Collies (never run out of energy really, easy to train, Great with anyone, Friendly, these would be the best though)

    Labrador Retrievers (Friendly, and have quite a lot of energy)

    Rough Collies (very furry, but friendly, and cuddly lol)

  13. Boston Terriers are great family dogs!  They love kids, mine are always gentle when they meet kids, but they love to party with them too.  They love dogs too.  They are very very smart, so as long as you train them appropriately you will be in good shape.  They will run your house if you don't show them you are the pack leader.  The breed can be a bit high energy, but as long as they get walkies again they are awesome.  They are good watch dogs too.

  14. This is a VERY open question.  My suggestion is that you first evaluate your situation. Based on your answers, you will then be able to isolate the breeds that best match your lifestyle:

    - Size consideration

    - Training experience

    - How much time will you be able to dedicate to give the dog real exercise and stimulation

    - inside or out primarily

    - shedding cares?

    - breed history of health issues

    - you already answered the need to tolerate young kids

      - note:  these are just a few of the questions.  I would strongly suggest you ask folks for what other lifestyle questions would help you determine the best breed for your situation.  Good choice = years of unbelievable joy; lack of research = h**l!

  15. Golden REtrievers!  

  16. Maybe a chihuahua they are energetic and they like to sit on ppl and relax. they get calm after a few minutes and not jumpyy or a pameranian they are so fluffy and playful a perfect family pet

  17. I recently wrote an essay on which factors need to be considered when choosing a family dog.

    There are a huge amount of things that you need to consider including the energy levels of your family.

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