
What dog food should i give my labrador? I need something affordable, and i live in the philippines.?

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I am feeding him country value right now, its like 45 php. But his c**p is quite big and stinky. is there another kind of dog food in the philippines that i could substitute it with. something affordable.




  1. We feed our dogs with ground meat.. actually its called 'saw meat' if you buy it from a supermarket (not sure if in Shopwise or the other grocery store in Cubao). Its only p45 per kilo, but we usually order 5kilos/dog/month. You can mix it with rice if you like. BTW Im fostering 9 aspin dogs at our house, I can't afford buying expensive dog food that's why I consider this as an option, I also make sure they visit their vet atleast once a year for checkup. You might wanna consult your vet first before feeding your pet with other suggestions.

  2. beneful

  3. with the on-going inflation over there, you'll be lucky to find something cheaper. just feed him your leftover.

  4. With commercially prepared dog food considered a luxury in the Philippines, it is surprisingly cheaper to feed your canine canned corned beef mixed with rice. That's what I used to feed my dog when I was living in the Philippines.

  5. Try the dry dog food from Handyman. (Yes, the hardware/do-it-yourself house repair/maintenance store).

  6. I have a labrador and have been told, by the experts, that the best food for them is the dried dog food rather than the canned dog food.

    I also boil up some mince meat and mix in some rice and boiled vegetables.

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