
What dog malts more a Labrador or a Dalmation?

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and how much?




  1. Both moult about the same but the lab hair is easier to sweep/hoover up - Dalmatian hair is spikier (for want of a better word) and gets into everything fabric. Although the lab hair stuck to their blanket can be awful.

  2. labrador alot

  3. Do you mean which breed sheds more hair?  They both shed pretty heavily.  I'd say it's a tie.  The Lab has longer hairs, though.

  4. But a longhaired german shephard is even worse

  5. 1. NEVER BUY A PUPPY just LOOKS, colour along, fur type-COLOUR, fur type and looks HAS NO INDICATION OF DOGS TEMPERMENT!

    2. Consider your lifestyle-

    4. Are you out more then 8hours a day

    5. Consider your energy requirements, Size, Grooming.

    6. Don't just buy because someone says this is the dog for you, people particular on yahoo answer will give you there particular favourite breed& what suits them, not what actually suit you.

    7. Read all you can-THERE are alot of false information on the web and in books about different dog breed.

    8 DON'T TRUST THOSE DOG BREED SELECTORS-MOST OF THE RESULTS ARE INCORRECT. Ex i search large breed dogs, and the Pomeranian came up, which of cause is a toy dog breed!!


    If you adopt from a shelter either breed will be under $300

    Labrador Retriver

    Temperament:  This breed is highly intelligent, loyal, and deeply devoted. The Labrador Retriever is reliable, affectionate, and thrive on human companionship and attention. They are absolutely wonderful with children and get along exceedingly well with other dogs. They may be reserved with strangers and make good watchdogs. If this breed is left alone for extended periods of time without attention or stimulation they will become lonely, bored, and destructive

    Coat:  The Labrador Retriever is a double coat breed. The outer coat is straight, short, very dense, and hard in texture. The under coat is soft, weather-resistant, and protects this breed from cold, all types of ground cover, and water. The color of the coat comes in chocolate, black, and yellow. This breed is an average shedder.

    Require minmum of 30mintues exercise daily


    Temperament:  The Dalmatian is exceedingly social and thrives on human companionship and attention. They are extremely sensitive and do not do well if left alone for extended periods of time. If they become lonely or bored they will become depressed and destructive. The Dalmatian is not recommended for homes with small children due to their exuberant and rambunctious nature. They will typically get along with household pets they have been raised with, but display aggression to dogs they do not know. This breed is aloof with strangers and makes an excellent watchdog; only barking when absolutely necessary.

    Coat:  The Dalmatian has a hard, smooth, short and dense coat. The color of the coat is pure white with spots that are either black or liver. Puppies are born completely white and spots develop as they mature. This breed is a constant shedder with profuse shedding twice a year.require 4km daily walks!

  6. i tink they both moult the same ie quite alot

  7. Labs shed alot my house is covered in the stuff!!!! It gets into everything. I cant believe the person with the black lab that dosnt shed ive never heard of that.  

  8. All dogs moult, however Dalmatians have shorter hair consequently it is less obvious.. All dogs need to be groomed every day and I don't think that Labs moult as much as other dogs. I have trained both of these breeds and they are fantastic. If you are concerned about moulting, consider the wider issues. After a walk dogs are dirty,they need rubbing down. (lots of towels to wash etc.,)If you need to take a dog through the house to do this, you will have dirty walls and carpets. Puppies also pee, poo and chew until they are potty trained/house trained. If your house and its condition are of paramount importance, don't get a dog. I have a clean, smell free house, however dogs do make a mess,  they are worth the extra effort.

  9. malting is something used to make beer?

    do you mean moulting=shedding!

    these two breeds both will shed a lot.

  10. labrador ive had one

  11. I have a black Labrador, and I don't find her to shed at all. However my sofas are leather and flooring is wooden.

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