
What dog shall i get ??? please help?

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I'm looking to buy a dog in about 3 months time we don't want a little dog or a massive great dane sized one we are looking at a collie doodle or an airedale terrier sized dog and to me they are so cute we want a curly coated dog as they don't shed as much ill walk it probably 2 times a day an hour all together what do you think i should get please help




  1. We have two Boxers. They are  great family dogs,  very loyal , and love kids. They do shed but, brush them every day or so and that keeps it under control. They are a medium size dog. We have had many dogs in 31 years and I highly recommend the Boxer.

  2. Boston Terrier!! Those are AWESOME.

    Or a Maltese or Bichon.  Both of those are fun and cute.

  3. i dont know if u want a small dog... but i have a yorkie and she doesn't shed. ... but beagle? lab... but the only thing is they shed..

  4. Greyhound.  Awesome dogs that don't require a lot of exercise.

  5. I would suggest a schnoodle.  They are a hybrid between a shnauzer and poodle.  there are varients in hybrids, but generally it should have some curls.  but, if you get a puppy you will have to walk him quite a lot when he starts out but within a year or two you may only have to give him short walks three or four times a  day.  Be sure you are responsible!!!  Please do not walk any dog out only twice a day, it may already show you arent willing to spend your time for the dog.  But anyhow.  Schnoodles are very loyal and they will give warning barks\growls so make sure it doesn't fall into excessive barking.  Look them up on and they will give you good information. Good luck!  

  6. Whatever you do, don't buy a dog such as a 'collie doodle' from a 'breeder'. These dogs should not be bred, the owners are purposely, and irresponsibly, cross breeding to produce 'hypoallergenic' puppies - dogs are not hypoallergenic, some are just better for allergy sufferers. Try looking for a 'What breed is right for me?' quiz online and then researching breeds that fit what you're wanting.

  7. Any dog that catches your fancy will do but remember that taking on a puppy is very similar to taking on a child, they need lots of time and attention to raise them right. In my experience, getting the dog on a routine is important and lots and lots of exercise. You might want to up the exercise whenever possible especially if you end up with a working breed like the collie, they love to excersise, and if they get bored they get into trouble, chewing, etc. I know it sounds crazy but when I am getting ready for work in the morning I put my dog on a treadmill at a decent walking pace for between 30-60 minutes, then, and this is important, then I feed her breakfast. Its kind of like she has to work for her food. This has dramatically cut the daily mischief that she was finding. But she still needs outdoor walking time too. Breed isn't so important and mutt's can make wonderful pets! It is said that poodle mixes like the labradoodle, goldendoodle, and so forth don't shed but this is not always the case. It works sometimes but genetics is a tricky thing and it all depends on the genes the puppy inherits. Check out Ceasar Milan's book Ceasar's Way it is very helpful in understanding dog psychology rather than just training.  Hope this info was helpful;)

  8. Get A Retriever Of Some Sort, Or Some Big Dog As Small Dogs Seem To Be Harder to Train And It Looks Ridiculous Walking A Poodle Or A Chihuahua And Usually Have A Funny Walk And Are Never As Loyal Or Playful As Larger Dogs. My Family Has Always Had Labradors Going Far Back But I Have A White Golden Retriever At the Moment And She Is Very Quick To Pick Up On Tricks And The Best Think Is She Was House Trained After 2-3 Weeks! Also A Spaniel Are Good Dogs Also.

  9. buy basset hound -its a middle sized dog

    this is my previously asked question, im just gonna copy paste it to u, if u wanna advice.i hope u dont mind.

    heard many fake things on internet, and im afrraid people change theire mind abaut buying this beautifull if u was thinking abaut buying basset, dont change ur mind and do it.

    nobody likes people like bassets.he will go happy to any person, and will be carefull with other dogs, but when they sense that other dog is not dangerous they will jump happily all over them.

    some people say the puppys have too much energy, and thats true, but they also say that the can bite everithing in play.they put that fact in the wrong way, and they say this is bad, but i say "which puppy doesant bite"u shouldnt encurage them , but also u shouldnt yell at them too much 4 doing it.they will get over it soon and calm down in abaut when they r 6 months old.

    - thay say, that if u are hyper person and atleticly minded, that bassets r not for u coz they r lazy,thats not true.they r as lazy as theire owner is.they will hapyly run for hours when given a chance.

    -they say bassets r stupid and they are stubborn - NO -they r very smart. my basset is allmost 4 months old and she knows how to sit, how to lie down, he know to bark when i say to do it, and she knows when shes going for a walk and she sits in front of fence door and wait.she is very smart.they r a little stuborn, but u can handle it easily, belive me.

    -my puppy is so affectionate.when i sit down she runs towards me and rest her head on my legs when shes sleepy.when i go to sleep (she has a bed next to mine), she wont sleep untill she sees me closing my eyes.she is smart enough to use her sad little eyes to get out of the punishment.she will do anything for a food so training is quite easy.

    they say bassets stink.its all abaut dna really,but thats not stink, thats just smell.its not that bad that u cant used to it.if u feed ur puppy with good food, clean theire ears every day from outside, and once a week from inside, and if u brush ur dog they will be verry verry little smell.not bad at all.u will love his more than everything in the world. just watch out for theire spine when carying them. my basset learned to pee outside.i was so proud. if u havent, u have to feal happynes that bassets can give.

    if u want a basset there is no reason not to get that little baby.

  10. i love golden retrievers. but they shed. i think theyre GREAT dogs though. theyre easy to train, easy wit EVERY1, gentle, loving, nd sooo cute.

  11. Getting a dog is not like buying a car.  Getting a dog is a long term commitment, and has to work with your lifestyle.

    Walking a dog for an hour all together is not a lot of exercise.  My husband and I work different shifts, so our dogs are home alone for a maximum of four hours.  The times we are home, we are out in their pen playing frisbee, catch, fetch for 45 minutes to an hour at a time - doing this at least 6 times a day.

    I agree with the greyhound, provided you get one from a rescue, but you have to remember should they see a small animal and the front door is open, they might bolt.

    Having a dog is a big commitment, just as having a child is.  Puppies need tremendous amounts of work with potty training, manners, bonding with you.  Even with older dogs, they still need the one on one time with you.  We will not take vacations unless our dogs can go with.

    Remember, you do not pick the dog.  The dog picks you.

  12. Take the quiz at After you take it, it will tell you what your perfect breed of dog is. P.S.- A "COLLIE DOODLE"

    is not a breed. It is a M.U.T.T.(Mixed-breed, Unresistable, Terrific, Top-dog).

  13. A "collie doodle" is a mutt. Collies shed big time, expect that mutt to shed. Airedales do shed, in a way. They "blow" their coat if you let it get too long. Airedales need at least an hour walk a day, the younger the dog, the longer the walk. Make sure to do research if you want an Airedale. I have always had one, but they're not easy dogs to properly take care of.

  14. Sounds like you're looking for a dog with HAIR, not FUR.

    These are some breeds you might like:

    * Afghan Hound

    * Basenji

    * Bedlington Terrier

    * Bichon (all types)

    * Bichon Frisé

    * Bolognese (dog)

    * Cairn terrier

    * Chinese Crested (hairless)

    * Coton de Tulear

    * Greyhound

    * Havanese

    * Irish Water Spaniel

    * Italian Greyhound

    * Kerry Blue Terrier

    * Lowchen

    * Maltese

    * Poodles (all sizes)

    * Poodle hybrids

    * Portuguese Water Dog

    * Schnauzer (all sizes)

    * Shih Tzu

    * Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

    * Yorkshire Terrier

    * Whippet

    * Native American Indian Dog

    * Border Terrier

    Now, in my opinion, do NOT go for the youngest cutest dog you find at a pet store, while the dogs at shelters slowly become closer to being put down. PLEASE, go to your local animal shelter, go to your pound, do something other than the pet store. I made the mistake twice, (and I would never give away the dogs I have for anything in the world.) and I don't want you to do it.

  15. I agree with a poster who suggested a grey hound. Short hair and not in need of allot of exercise.I also like many others like Goldens but allot of maintenance and hair..But take a look at the Greyhound rescues there are may find a great dog!  Also, Shelters have many mixed breeds who are short haired and need loving homes! Good luck!, a new dog is always more exciting than it is work! A collie mix has the hair you don't want to deal with.  

  16. A Basset They are loving animals. We had one and she loved every member of the family. She loved to walk and eat. She actually would talk to everyone and thought everyone loved her and they did. Like all animals you have to care for them. Their face will melt your heart.

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