
What dog was this??????????

by  |  earlier

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i know its a long shot but i as at the vet and saw this person with this little puppy and i thought it was the cutest thing ever i loved it it looked very young and small but it walked around and was really curious and it was black with like white legs sort of and already knew how to sit and come and all that and it made this really funny like purring sort of noise and had like a long face any ideas???????




  1. no idea sorry

  2. GET OFF THE COMPUTER & go get your mum a gift............  lol  

  3. It sounds like an obedient dog!

  4. Is it a Boston Terrier???

    like this one????idk...

  5. def long shot ill help if u got more detailsssss.?

    likeeee long - short hair.

    maybe chiouaa

    tea cup poodle

    hope i helped

  6. Hey,

    It wouldn't of been a Jack Russell Terrier because they are not usually black, more tan and white however are very obedient and little dogs. Lot's of puppies make funny noices but It might of been some of the Following:


    Cocker Spaniel

    Border Collie

    Short Coat;

    Mini Foxi Terrier

    Hope this helps other wise go to this site:

    and It gives you an alphabetical list of dogs which might include the dog you saw unless it was a cross with another breed.

  7. That's not really helpful..Also considering as the dog was still a puppy you can't really tell on the length of its fur.

    Facial structure:

    Eye shape:


    Body Shape:

    With its face, did it have a stop? (A stop is the step up from the muzzle to the foreface)..

    The fact that it was already sitting and come etc is a good guess that the dog is well trained. Halfway there. ;)

  8. Purring noise?  Cat perhaps lol

    Suggest, seriously, a Jack Russell?  You see more of them around than most.  But did this pup have a long coat, short coat.  Virtually impossible to say what this was.  And frankly all puppies are cute!!!

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