
What dollar amout would you stop buying gas at?

by  |  earlier

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Im done a $5+.




  1. I have to go to work - that's how I - you know - buy stuff.

    There are other things that I have to do, so to accomodate for the higher gas prices, I've cut out other things.  I make coffee at home, pack my lunch, etc.

  2. 5.OO DOLLARS any more than that we should really consider a different way to get around

  3. I can't stop buying gas at any price b/c I have to get to work! But already I've been clustering shopping errands and avoiding long drives when possible. We're also looking into getting an electric car conversion done (cost about $15K) but we'll see about that...

  4. I've already stopped buying gas. It's summer now and work is not that far of a walk.

    However I do have to keep a little gas in my car for those rainy days. (I wish we had a bus system where I live, then I wouldn't have a car at all)

  5. I've already stopped.  If everyone would stop for a day or 2, prices would plummet

  6. i guess when i can't afford to buy gas to drive to work i would have to get a job closer so i can just walk to work

  7. Stop buying gas? Is that even an option? I'd buy it at any price simply because there's no other choice as of right now. However, I would consider buying a motorcycle or the Prius.

  8. Here in the U.K. its already over $10 a gallon, but the answer is I can't stop buying unless I move address as I need my transport for work (6.00am start & no public transport) and that is 15 miles away.

  9. Great question, one I'm sure many many people are asking themselves right now.

    When it becomes more expensive to fill your gas tank than fill your refrigerator with food, it's time to park the car. (For me that's about $100, around $5/per gallon.) There are too many other alternative forms of transportation to allow yourself to be screwed in this way.

  10. I'm in sales.  If I'm not in front of my customers, I don't make sales.

    Basically, the sky is the limit for me.

    I won't like it, but I'll have to pay it.

  11. $5

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