
What dones it mean when a five year old says her abc backward?

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my grandaughter is five years old and can say her abc backwards and frontwards. and she can write her name karlee backwards she is in preschool does this mean she could have a learning problem. her mother will call her silly or goofy she says alot of moms call their kids silly or goofy is she right




  1. She sounds pretty dang brilliant to me . . . now if the schools don't mess her up and try and say that she has a problem is another story.  

    I think her mother is fine saying she's goofy, as long as it's loving, and a standing understanding between them.  Observe how they both are when she says it.  If your granddaughter smiles and acts like it is truly ok, then it is more than likely ok with her.  

    I have had more than one strange look when I tease my daughter lovingly about reading everything, "Now, you stop reading now!  I am serious!"  It just depends on the child/mother relationship.

    If the words were more to the tune of, "You're stupid!" or the likes, then I have a big problem with it.

  2. She's a bright, creative, outside-the-box little kid, and you should not stifle her unique, creative way of thinking.

  3. You are saying she CAN do it-that suggests an unusual ability-not a disability---if she knows the diference betwen forwards and backwards-there probably isn;t a problem--

    she may have gotten the idea from TV (i've seen it suggested on a PBS kids show) and just took off with it....

    the problem is if she mixes up forward and backward or doesn't realize she's doing it-but she is still young-it is not unusual for 5 year olds to mix up letters---it used to be that kids didn't evenlearn letters until kindergarten....

  4. i wouldnt call her goofy im starting highschool this august and i cant even say the abc's backwards, i would call her really smart!!

  5. Most preschools these days teach kids to recite the alphabet backwards and forwards. I remember when my stepson was 2...he could recite his ABCs, but couldn't identify a letter if it slapped him in the face.

    They are trying to cultivate good memories...this is a GOOD thing...there is nothing wrong with your granddaughter. She does NOT have a learning problem.

  6. Actually I know lots of kids who do this, it's not really that exceptional. There are five or six kids songs I can think of that teach the alphabet backwards.

    What it means is that she hasn't been trained to put her thinking in a box, it's still very visual. She still plays with it because she hasn't been brainwashed to think only one way.

    Lots of moms do call their kids silly or goofy. If it's said in a loving manner, as a tease, there is no problem with that.

  7. It really only means that she is developing right on target.  :-)   It is VERY common for children that age to write their letters in their name backwards.  Consider other languages...they usually write from right to left .  It's English that is written from left to right.  Naturally our brain is wired for the other way and the children have to learn the left to right concept.  Give her time!  Point it out to it correctly.  Also be sure to "track" as your are reading so that she gets the sense of reading from left to right as well.  

    If she can say her ABC's backwards that's pretty cool!  That's a hard thing for most children to do!

  8. Sounds like a very intelligent little girl. And yea, a lot of Moms do that!

  9. No, my daughter used to do the same thing, recite the abc backward and forward, as well as any word she could spell. I was amazed because I (an adult) couldn't do it. My daughter was actually in a couple of advanced classes and has no learning disabilities. Just one of those odd things kids can do sometimes.

  10. she'll be good at passing those field sobriety tests that the cops do on the side of the street  - reciting the alphabet backwards, touching your nose, etc.

  11. ya ..she has a learning problem it is call a high I.Q.... it is not wise to call a intelligent child names other than smart , intelligent,and gifted... they may start to believe what you say..i would suggest taking her to the school testing center and have her take a i.q. test...if she is gifted as i believe she is....she may be placed in a gifted setting.. that would maximize her learning potential does no matter that her parents are normal, she may be very smart..from what little you have told me ...i put her i.q. at 130 to 140 and that my lady is not bad.....

  12. She's smart and intuitive.

    You should be proud.

  13. Smart kid!

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