
What dose it mean when some one says that some one is premature?

by  |  earlier

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mainly what dose premature mean




  1. premature is something that is not mature yet. Comes early. eg a premature baby is born before its time.

  2. An event that happens prior to the expected or assigned point in time it was to occur (i.e. Premature birth etc)

  3. Well, the norm is when a woman is given a due date for her child's birth and the child arrives early. sometimes they are fully developed and thrive, some do not.

    Another use is when you take action on a stimulus before the instructions were completed. like when you watch a game show - the contestant hits the buzzer before the host finishes reading the clue...and the contestant is wrong. they knew the right answer, and would have gotten it right if they had waited. so they were premature in answering.

  4. Usually meant for birth, it means that the baby did not get the full nine months to develope and came out "premature" (perhaps something happend at 7 months to cause this)

  5. Premature means they weren't developed enough yet.

    Preterm means that they were born early but the lungs (etc) were fully developed.

  6. Born before they were due, and not fully developed.

  7. premature means early.  for example if you say the baby was premature, it means it was born early.

  8. Pretty much what everybody else said. I have a premature cousin and physical changes are noticeable.

  9. Premature =   Early, not developed as in a baby being born early.

    Are you sure they arent saying Immature, which is sort of the same thing, by saying that they arent grown up yet.  Like acting like a little kid/child.  Something like that.

    Hope this helps you out.

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