
What dose of XanaX can I safely take ?

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I am a 25yr old male, 6ft tall and 86kg.

I absolutely hate flying although I do it.

I tried 0,5mg of XanaX on previous trips but find that it is not totally relieving me. It helps cut the edge off but doesnt take everything away,

Is it possible to take 1mg or 1,5 mg ?




  1. my doctor prescribed zanax to me some years ago , after rohypnol became abused by people, and he told me if i carry on giving you rohypnol the home office will start sniffing around you, so in came two 0.5mg zanax for sleep, worked ok for a while but some nights i had to take more but they make you feel down and rotten, yet another drug i will never be taking again.

    I suggest you take yourself off of zanax while you can, try getting some valerian, their herbal but effective, best of luck.

  2. well you're not supposed to take enough to knock out all feeling,

    just take 0.5mg or speak to a doctor and speak to them about dosage.

  3. Xanax is available is single doses of up to 2mg. Daily intakes can be prescribed for up to 4mg in a single day.

    Keep in mind, alprazolam (the active ingredient) is addictive, and all medications carry side effects.

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