
What dose this French word mean?

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Laiss tomber what does that word or phrase mean my grade depends on it !!!1




  1. Basically it means 'drop it'.

  2. It can mean different things.

    laisser tomber drop it

    laisser tomber drop out

    laisser tomber (abandonner) (familier) loc v scrap (reject, abandon, dispose of)

    laisser tomber v let drop

    laisser tomber v let it pass

    laisser tomber v drop down

    laisser tomber v drop (let fall)

    laisser tomber (mari, épouse, emploi…) (familier) vtr ditch (husband, wife, job…) colloquial

    laisser tomber qqn walk out on

    Take your pick.

  3. "Laisse tomber!" means "Drop it!".... literally.

    It's as simple as that... no need to illustrate.

    I'm French, by the way.

  4. Laisse tomber (no more take care/charge of, drop out) is a expression that means "let it be", "let it go".

  5. The exact translation is "drop it". However, it's also an expression that means "let it go", "forget it".  

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