
What dose under compression ,under tension and neutral axis mean pls help?

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oh and what dose conductor and insulator mean




  1. Under Compression:

    The act or process of compressing. To press together: "compressed her lips"

    Under Tension:

    The act or process of stretching something tight. A measure of such a force: "a tension on the cable of 50 pounds"

    Neutral Axis:

    In a beam bent downward, the line of zero stress below which all fibers are in tension and above which they are in compression


    A substance or medium that conducts heat, light, sound, or especially an electric charge


    A material that insulates, especially a nonconductor of sound, heat, or electricity.

    (Insulate: To prevent the passage of heat, electricity, or sound into or out of, especially by surrounding with a nonconducting material.)

    Hope this helps :D

  2. In physics, compression means to press a fluid physically so that it occupies a smaller volume than what it usually does.

    In computers, compression means to minimize file sizes so they are easily uploaded, downloaded, or simply shared.

    Under tension, in physics, is to be subjected to stress; stretching, twisting, or bending. It usually applies to elastic and semi-elastic solids.

    Neutral axis is an imaginary line along the cross-section of an object. The neutral axis is where no stress occurs when the object is subjected to tension, hence the word, "neutral".

    Conductors and insulators are electrical designations for any object. The difference is that conductors easily lets electricity pass through them. Aside from water, conductors are usually metals, like gold, platinum, silicon, etc.

    Insulators are those objects where electricity passes through poorly. They are usually nonmetals. Such examples are rubber, fur, paper, etc.

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