
What dose your appendix do?

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What dose your appendix do?




  1. It originally served as a filter for stuff like dirt and pebbles, but now it is useless.

  2. According to the researchers, the appendix's job is to "reboot" the digestive system when bacteria die off or are purged from the intestines, bacteria safely harbored in the appendix.

  3. scientist believe that it had a use a long time ago with eating raw meet

  4. Nothing. But some people say it filters your toxins, or something. Sorta like a kidney.

  5. It has the function to show the ones that believe in god that humanity could not have been intelligently design. Who would design something with a major fault and let it stay there for ever if the designer was so intelligent?

  6. pretty much nothing but it can burst and it would really hurt.

  7. no one really knows why its there. Its just a remnant of our evolution as primates. like our fingernails are remnants from when we had claws - the appendix is a left over of something we dont really know - some say it released a uber acid to break down the bones in our diet other think it was an immune system thing.

  8. People long thought the appendix served no purpose.

    Today scientists say that the appendix produces and saves certain micro organisms that are good for the body.

    The body requires a certain amount of bacteria to operate and to digest food.  The appendix, produces some.  Not to worry if you no longer have an appendix, as there are a multitude of other ways we get these bacteria.

    If a person's system becomes too free of these micro organisms, through dysentary, or long term use of anti-biotics, the appendix can "reboot" the digestive system.

    This was the result of a study at Duke University that was published in 2007.

  9. it hurts when it bursts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. It really does not have a use in modern humans.  Some recent studies have shown that if may have a small role in immunity, but this is rather iffy.

  11. No one knows its function

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