
What dramatic examples must i make in order to shake people out of apathy?

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"People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy." Most of you here know that quote from Batman begins. So now i'm asking, what kind of examples do we need?




  1. Josh, sell the assault rifle and get a grip on yourself.

  2. Why do you feel this is your responsibility?

    I fear your attempts may end up working against you, that is as you push harder, you'll actually push them away.

    I wonder if your attempts to prove to them the perils of apathy are really a way for you to prove to yourself the very same thing.

    If you're a good enough example, they will take notice. Just be sure to stay genuine. If you struggle with apathy and cynicism, share this with them, as it will certainly make your cause seem all the more potent.

    Good luck.

  3. it depends. I believe media can influence and feed the lemming culture most people have turned in to. If you make a movie about something you feel passionate about, people may wake up. You never know.

  4. Do you have a class of apathetics?

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