
What dreams have you had that you would consider rather disturbing?

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The dreams that I would consider so are the ones in which I lose my teeth out of nowhere D:, last night I dreamed that I was back to school (again, one of those back-to-school dreams -.-) and then suddenly I started pressing the lower jaw teeth against the upper jaw ones so hard (that happens sometimes) that before I realized my mouth was swollen and I couldn't even speak and when i went to the restroom to check myself i saw that my teeth were deep into the gums D: then I pressed the jaws even more and they went deeper D:

and add to that the fact that I was late for french class, so i went to the classroom with my mutant mouth and i couldn't ask the french teacher (which was speaking english for some odd reason) to come in to the classroom so she was like "What? Calm down, slower, slower" and all that

Then suddenly my teeth were "resurfacing" and I was glad but when I touched it it fell off and i was like WTF? then i "put it back on" and i was more WTF?

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  1. I once dreamed that my toenails fell out, and there was lots of blood everywhere. Its kinda scary 'cos when i woke up, i saw apair of nailcutters on the desk. I screamed like h**l and woke up half the neighbourhood.

  2. my sis has dreams like you had  with her teeth and she told me that a couple of weeks after she had the dream she would always lose a good friend!

  3. I remember I had a dream that something evil went inside of me. when I woke up I was creeped out lol.

  4. i hate dreams where i lose my teeth. i've had dreams where i had to stab someone in war...i had one dream where a decaying abraham lincoln was chasing me... and another where my dead grandmother took a bite out of my neck. oh and another dream where my sister was pregnant and was microwaving small animals as i was screaming for her to stop.. i had another dream where i gave birth to a yeah those are all my extremely disturbing dreams that i woke up either crying or screaming from. after those the teeth dreams aren't so bad.

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