
What drills can you do to help with swimming butterfly?

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What drills can you do to help with swimming butterfly?




  1. do two strokes with right arm, 2 strokes with left arm then 2 regular strokes

  2. single single double don't breathe on double, fly underwater recovery, dolphin dives every 3rd pull go deep do several dolphin kicks , fly pull flutter kick, fly pull breast kick, dolphin kick on side  3-3-3 like others said P-K-S ladder 1-2-1 Pull 1 lap kick 1 lap ect

  3. do one arm fly

    1 length only right arm with ur other arm out in front, then left arm 1 length

    do the same thing excpet other up at ur side

    then do 3 right 3 left

    then do 3 right 3 left 3full

    this whole tihng id called drill progression where u work ur way up.

    also for a drill (rly slow but good) try putting both arms at side, face down on top of the water and push down with ur cehst letting the motion continue in a wave to ur feet. its basically djust dolphin kick but it works on body position. u want to stay pretty straight except for the part that is movie. think of it like there id a string out of the top of ur head and someone is going up and down with it pulling u along

    when doing all teh drills, focus on going forwards and pulling as much water as possible but u also want to get good hip motion up and down. that will propel u forwards

  4. hypoxy, three strokes one breath, one arm each side three times, power push, where you just take your arms and do fly but w/out the recovery, focus on ur hip motion by only using ur hips to propel yourself, fly kick on your back, I think that is everything that i do at practice.

  5. pull bouy or kickboard between your knees (holding the kickboard is much more difficult).  Also try with paddles.  

    I have also found that fins don't work my arms as hard but that it helps with form.

  6. Umm my coach taught me this:

    - 3 strokes right arm. 3 strokes left arm. 3 strokes both. (all of those with the kick)

    - Just doing the dolphin kick back and forth

  7. do butterfly kick(dolphin kick), then do just the arms, after a while, put them together

  8. the three main drills i do is 3 strokes on each arm..and then 3 with both

    and one of my faves

    you do one stroke and do streamline to the bottom of the pool...then place your feet on the ground and shoot up...doing another stroke..and continue (when you go up, go at a angle)

    then there's this one that i do when you sit on the kickboard and do the arm motion in teh water to get the the other side of the pool (pull your arms from back to it's like the fly stroke except that it's closer the the water)

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