
What drinks are alright for your teeth?

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I have just been told by my dentist to lay off the coke, but when looking at some of the other drinks I have I was wondering what is actually alright for your teeth, despite the obvious... water.

I tend to drink:

Capri Sun

Apple Juice

Orange Juice




Water with fruit stuff in them


Thanx. Kirsty. x




  1. Milk.




    The only thing that is really actually bad is pop...(pepsi, coke, etc...)

  2. Nothing is ever alright cause everything is half left too.


    Water is best because it has no sugar or coloring. But since you don't want just the obvious water then...

    Milk is good becasue of the calcium.

    Anything dark like coffee, tea, and soda, will stain your teeth. Anything with sugar will eat away at them. Both of these will be fine in moderation, something most Amercians don't seem to grasp, and by brushing enough each day. Any juice that has high acid levels in it, like orange, grapefruit, and so on can also eat away at your teeth too. But again with noderation, balaced food and drink, and enough brushing then it should not be a problem.

    However, if you have a current issue with your teeth then the best thing to do for now is to avoid anything dark, with sugar, and acid levels for at least a week to allow your teeth to heal up a little. This means that you will most likely be consuming more water. Make sure it is filtered or purified becasue it is better for you. Distilled water is good too but the PH balance of that is off and can cause problems for your teeth too so for that first week avoid that too.

  3. Powerade is the worst thing for your teeth because it contains acid and sugar. You shouldn't drink it, but if you do you should follow up immediately with water to rinse it off your teeth. Lemonade the same, and capri sun. Anything with sugar will be bad for your teeth, and sugar + acid will eat your enamel pretty badly.

    fruit juice isn't so bad, but it's not great either, especially citrus and you should drink water or at least rinse well afterwards, the goal with the rinse or drinking water is to get the other drink off of your teeth.

    Much fruit juice isn't really even much fruit juice, most of that is 10% or less so watch out for that, none of those are good for your teeth.

  4. health drinks..... are normally good

  5. Avoid fizzy drinks - they have dissolved carbon dioxide - this forms carbonic acid - ACID dissolves teeth!

    Water will wash away bacteria which destroy teeth and cause bad breath.  A water mouthwash is better than none at all.

  6. water and milk (for the calcium) ; although milk has sugar so brush afterwards.

  7. Anything in moderation

    Of course water is always okay...

    but fizzy drinks - no because the acid rots your teeth, but if you brush your teeth afterwards they're okay

    fruit juices-no because they're also fairly acidic and rot your teeth, if you brush your teeth 30mins or so after you drink them its okay, but don't brish straight after because it removes the enamel from your teeth over time

    but everything in moderation is fine, just dont drink too much of any particular thing!


  8. Nothing dark, with lots of sugar or acetic acid.

  9. You can uses lemons to flavor water but the whole point is the sugar is what does the damage.  So anything with sugar, which is pretty much everything, will rot your teeth.  Also be aware that corn syrup is just another form of sugar.  As is fructose, glucose, etc.  Eating fresh, wholesome organic fruit all the time can rot your teeth out just like soda.  When you take a sip of sugary soda, you begin an attack on your teeth that lasts 20 minutes.  So it would be far better to finish off the soda in a few minutes, say with a meal, than to sip the same soda for an hour or so.

  10. water and milk (strenghten teeth) are the best. if you drink sodas that are high in sugar (which is MOST sodas) that won't be the best idea.


  11. apple juice!

    Even water has fluoride in them and they remain on ur teeth and your teeth turns golden!

  12. Water, and you can put like cucumber and things like that that don't contain sugar, but anything with sugar in it isn't good for your teeth!

  13. Anythings fine as long as its not pop or anything that doesn't have sugar in it. Milks fine, orange juice is fine and apple juice as well.

  14. water, everything else has some form of added or naturally occuring sugar.

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