
What drives a mother to this????!?

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After reading this story on the news as a mother myself...what do you think goes through the minds of a woman like this?? Why go through a whole pregnancy to do this????




  1. That happened in around where I live recently (i live in the US) I guess nobody know the girl was pregnant and she went to a hotel and drowned the baby and threw it in a dumpster. It just makes me sicke what humans do these days.

  2. because maybe she was too late for an abortion thought she could cope and didnt? postnatal depression? blah blah etc

  3. who knows why she did it. me i think it terrible. she might of had savvier depression or someone could of raped her she didn't want the baby to live who knows what was going threw her mind when she done it

  4. It is so sad - I always figure that a person can't be right mentally at the time that they do something like this.

  5. this was probably a very young girl who was afraid to tell her parents about her pregnancy because of the shame but in his day and age this happens all the time and she should not feel shame. Her hormones were probably running riot she was alone and probably very scared. It is very very sad and this poor girl will have to live with the terrible things that happened that night.

  6. Becoming a mother is a very life changing experience that very few can handle. What runs through someones head when they take a life is an unimaginable thing to question

  7. The baby must have been premature. You cannot fly after 32 weeks pregnant and she was on holiday (I think). She may have been in shock if the birth was very early and fast. She may have panicked. A fast labour can cause post natal depression because your body and hormones were not ready for what happened.

  8. rather than murder the child she should of left it on a doorstop.. I know rotten thing to do but better than killing the child!!

  9. Well there could be several reasons. She may not have wanted a child to begin with but didn't think to give it to someone else and didn't want/couldn't afford abortion. The article didn't specify anything like that.

    She also may have given birth and the baby may have come out with the umbilical cord around its neck and struggling to breath and she did not know what to do. The article again didn't specify.

    She may have thought the baby was going to die if it came out slightly blueish (because some babies look like corpses in the early minutes of birth).

    She may have gotten scared when her newborn first started crying and she tried to quiet it.

    the article didn't specify any of this. I think personally this is a case of a scared young mother not knowing how to care for her newborn in its early seconds of life and accidently doing something to it and then killing it either out of fear that it was already dead/dying or that she would be caught and put in prison.

    She tried to hide it under the sheet, so I think that is a sign that she might have felt some fear or remorse and was trying to cover the evidence so she didn't get in trouble.

  10. Very hard to 'understand' this tragedy.

    Clearly the woman is 'ill' in some way and it is understandable that we tend to think of her as wicked and evil, what she has done is terrible and almost beyond words.

    Yet your question asks for a serious response, although it is no justification, as surely there can't be one, I can only think of despair brought on by perhaps being raped. Or perhaps some other threat to her life from family for bringing 'shame' on them?

    What ever the driving force, it says as much about society as it does about her. That this girl felt unable to get the help she needed at a crucial time is a reflection of our ingnorance and judgemental approach towards others around us.

  11. She must be mentally ill or something.

  12. Well I don't imagine for a second that she went through her pregnancy thinking "When it's born, I'll strangle it" and it's very easy to be judgmental.  But, as a mother, perhaps you had the "baby blues" when you just couldn't stop crying for a day?And you couldn't control your emotions?   Hormones can make you behave in ways completely alien to you, and you have no control over them.  I never had post-natal depression, but I knew a girl who did - she ended up in a psychiatric hospital until they managed to regulate her hormones to the extent that she was functioning normally and was able to take care of her baby.  From that news article, we don't know anything about the mother - she could have been depressed, she possibly didn't know she was pregnant, she might have been very young and very scared - it doesn't say.  Although it's a terrible thing, and one that the vast majority of us just can't relate to, without all the facts we shouldn't condemn the woman.

  13. It is really disturbing and my heart bleeds for the baby, but lets not be quick to judge her, we dont know what her situation was and she may have needed psychiatric attention beforehand. Remember the woman who left her twins unchanged and fed for 4 weeks? The husband never cared to check on them and their other children didnt either. Their relationship was in the dumps and the eldest child called the police once there was a stench coming from the room. They found the 18 month old twins dead and decomposing. I cried myself to sleep when I read it, I really have no idea what went through her mind, but I believe only a serious case of post natal depression can cause someone to do this. I know I almost downed a bottle of pills when I suffered from it. I did not really know why I was upset, but it really hurt and had it not been for my sons dad I'd have probably been accessing the net from my coffin. I just had to fight it so I wouldnt hurt my baby and i hope any pregnant woman out there feeling sad or depressed seeks help immediately and talks to friends, family etc.....

  14. ive heard it several times. its probably more common than anyone thinks. nobody knew these girls were pregnant and so to hide it they killed their babies.

    it makes me literally sick to my stomach.

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